One Note as a mail folder

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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Trying to accomplish with GTD methods I've thought about accessing all incoming data through the main outlook window. I use mail, notes taken through toodledo synced to outlook notes and One note "incoming folder" as input data. I would like to access one note data through outlook. I know the opposite is quite easy through the outlook plugin but don't know how to build this.
Could somebody help me?
Thanks in advance.
While it is possible to use automate OneNote, it's not as easy as using VBA in outlook - best bet is to see if one of the OneNote addins does what you need - the cost will be much less than trying to write a macro yourself. Onetastic for OneNote is $15 for up to 2 computers you use)
There is also Office OneNote Gem Add-Ins - OneNote Gem Add-Ins - i have not used this one (but have used onetastic) - its a little more expensive but AFAIK, offers somewhat different features. I know a few people who own both.
In fact its a custimization of Outlook today Page that includes a link to input tray of one note (ideally also to feedly and Pocket informant - as I use allí this as input tray un muy GTD method) what I need. I hace seen its possible to edit the html form of this Page but a little bit difficult for me. Will try simpler way. Thz u a lot!!
The outlook today page is definitely a problem - you can use html, but its faster to use a compiled dll there - but the bigger problem is integrating onenote with it. I'm not aware of a way to do it - AFAIK, there isn't a control you can put there.
The outlook today page is definitely a problem - you can use html, but its faster to use a compiled dll there - but the bigger problem is integrating onenote with it. I'm not aware of a way to do it - AFAIK, there isn't a control you can put there.
Agree completely!
Thz u for your time!
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