Exchange Server - Mail Delay Stamping


New Member
OS Version(s)
  1. Windows
Outlook version
Outlook 2021 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Operating system::    Windows
Outlook version:     2016
Email type or host:    Exchange 2016 On Premise

Hello All,

Looking to corroborate from one or more other Exchange experts, or mail experts for that matter.

We had an issue where a recipient claimed that e-mail was delayed to them from and outside sender that was delayed for quite some time. They said when the e-mail was finally delivered, it was placed in the in-box using the original time and date sent. This was a time sensitive e-mail. Upon checking the cloud based spam filtering service logs, it shows the delivery to the Exchange server happening in almost real-time with no delay. Additionally, when checking the Exchange backups, the e-mail is sitting in the recipients in-box at the time and date it was sent.

Again, the user is claiming that the e-mail was delayed for days, if not weeks, and then when arriving, it shows it was received when it was actually sent.

In all my decades of using Exchange Server, I have only seen delayed e-mail show when Exchange received the e-mail in Outlook, and the Date and Time Sent will show in the e-mail itself.

I would love for any other experts as I said to corroborate this please.

Thanks in advance,

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