Archiving Tools for Exchange Server

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Diane Poremsky

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Hi Diane,

Enjoyed the article referenced above, and I have a related question. Is there any way to tell from within Outlook which archiving tool might be in use on an Exchange server?

Here's why I ask:
  • All of the settings in my Outlook AutoArchive dialog are grayed out

  • However, it's readily apparent that my company uses some server-based archiving tool, since:

    • All of the messages in my mailbox older than six months appear with an icon which looks identical to the one
      used for unread mail

    • The text in the bodies of those messages is truncated after what looks to be about 1000 characters, and any graphics or attachments associated with the original messages no longer appear.
There have been a number of occasions during some long-term projects I've worked on when a question arose whose answer might have been found in an archived email, but is at least temporarily lost due to the message truncation I described and/or the disassociation of attachments. When I've inquired about this with our help desk, for some reason they all seem (or pretend) not to know anything about any server-side archival.

So, I want to know if there's any evidence I can gather through Outlook that might help compel them to discover (or reveal) how they archive and whether an archived message can be retrieved in its original state with the full body, graphics and attachments intact. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

You can check for an addin, but i doubt you'll find one - the archiving is done server side. Unless there is a link to the archive that gives you some clues, you'd need to ask your Exchange admin. Many archive applications link the messages to the original so you can see old messages.

All of the settings in my Outlook AutoArchive dialog are grayed out
They might have a GPO blocking it. It's not uncommon in a corporate environment, as they want to prevent end users from archiving to a pst.
Thanks, Diane! I suspected as much, but it's good to have confirmation from an expert. Just to clarify, I don't have any desire to auto-archive myself, just thought I would mention that my settings are grayed out as evidence of the likelihood that some server-side tool is in use.
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