Archiving by year

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Outlook 2019 64-bit
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I did a manual archive of the top folder and all subfolders, with the date set to 1 Jan 2015, which correctly created a yearly archive PST file with the same folder structure as the main PST file, containing all emails from 2014. (I also set the "ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime" parameter in the registry, so it correctly archives by received date, not modified date).

If I do another manual archive next year, with the date set to 1 Jan 2016, and a different archive PST filename, I assume it will again create another PST file with the same folder structure as the main PST file, containing all emails from 2015 (and so on in future years).

Will the folders from 2014 and 2015 (and so on in future years) appear separately within the Archive section (i.e., will there be separate Inbox folders for each open yearly archive PST file), or will they appear combined within the Archive section (i.e., will there be one Inbox folder displaying the merged contents of all the Inbox folders in all open yearly archive PST files)?

[Diane Poremsky replied:] You can do it either way - if you don't create a new pst file for the archive, the old mail will be added to/merged with the mail in the current archive pst. If you want it in a separate pst by year, you'll need to create a new archive pst.

I understand that if I specify the same archive file name when doing manual archiving in future years, all archived emails will *physically* go into the same archive file. However, for 2014, I specified a new archive file named "2014.pst"; and for 2015, I plan to specify a new archive file named "2015.pst" (and so on in future years); i.e., there will be a separate archive file for each year.

However, when I open the 2014 archive file in Outlook, its folders appear under the heading "Archives", with no indication of the open archive filename. So, if I open multiple archive files at the same time (e.g., 2014.pst and 2015.pst), how will the folders from each year's file be listed; e.g., will there be two Inbox folders, one from each open archive file, or will there be just one Inbox folder listing the contents of all open archive files?


  • upload_2015-3-2_17-14-42.png
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Since my previous post, I tried creating multiple archive folders for multiple years on a test system and found that when multiple archive files are opened, Outlook displays them all separately, each one under an "Archive" heading. (However, there is no indication of the filename for each one, which would be helpful.)

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