archiving outlook 2010

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I recently tried to archive some emails. It was a mutli-tiered folder with a size roughly equivilant to 80 MB and to make sure all emails from the folder were archived I picked a date in the future. Only about half of the emails archived.

I can't work out why or how to make the others archive. The ones that archived seemed to be split between folders.
A) I don't want to auto archive mostly because I am archiving o a thumb drive. I have archived on other machines and it works fine.

B) I set the date to the future to ensure all emails are archived, So the whole modified date issue shouldn't be in play
I have a user with similar issues archiving in Outlook 2010 32bit using Exchange server (not sure of version its hosted offsite). Running auto-archive doesn't work on any of the subfolders of inbox. I checked the modified date and received date and it still wasn't archiving anything in the date range. I also tried running Outlook with the \safe switch and it still didn't work. I ran Office repair, and uninstalled/re-installed the program. Doesn't work.
It will only work if you go to the subfolder and manually run the archiving process on it, it will actually archived it in the date range. But this user has about a hundred subfolders and needs it to run on all of them.
Any idea what could be causing this?
Right click on a couple of the fodlers and check Properties > Archive tab. Are the folders configured to be skipped?

No. They were set to "archive this folder using old than 6 weeks" but left items much older by modified & received date. Also tried it with "default archive settings", which was also set to 6 weeks.
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