Is there a simple way to share email folders w/o exchange server?

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We're a small office with less than 10 employees. We're not running Outlook Exchange Server and we don't have a Windows Server. Each employee has an installation of Outlook 2007 or 2010 and all of our PST files are stored on a share network hard drive that is backed up. I know with Exchange Server you can set up Public Folders for storing project-specific emails within shared Outlook folders. I'm wondering if there's a simple way to do this without Exchange Server.

There are several 3rd-party apps, such as CodeTwo Public Folders for syncing folders, but they're a bit more robust than I think we need, since the sync across the internet. Since all our machines are on the same network and all our PST files are on the same network drive, I'm hoping there's a simple way for us to share a folder or alternatively have all our folders synchronized. E.g., creating an addition PST on our shared drive that all users can link to in their Outlook installations?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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