Share between 2000 and 2010

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Outlook version
Older version
Email Account
Exchange Server
Using an exchange 2003 environment.

A user on Outlook 2000 has their user calendar, as well as the "other calendar" they have created. They go to each calendar's Sharing, and add my name, apply, OK.

I go onto my Outlook 2010 and I don't see any email invitation. Of course, I can go into View Shared Calendar, and can select the user's name and view their user calendar. But I don't care about that user's calendar, I want to view the "other calendar" they created.

We have repeated the steps a few times, but can't seem to get access to the user's other calendars they created on their Outlook 2000. I do not receive invitation emails when they share with me.

Is this a known issue?
Shared subfolders won't open using the Open other users folders command, you need to add the mailbox to your profile. Because you already have permission to the default calendar, everything should be set correctly but just in case, instructions are available at open shared subfolder.
Thanks. The instructions are as follows: (From

Jack wants to share "Secondary Calendar" to Jill.
Jack right-clicks on "Secondary Calendar" and adds Jill as an Owner in the "permissions" tab.
Jack then right-clicks on the overall "Mailbox - Jack" header at the very top of the folder list and selects "properties"
Jack then adds Jill, and checks "folder visible"
Jill then goes into her Outlook and clicks Tools>Email Accounts, selects "View or change existing email accounts", clicks next, selects her exchange account, and clicks "change", then clicks "More Settings" then clicks "Advanced", then adds "Jack" to her "Open these additional mailboxes" list, then restarts outlook.
Jill can now see "Mailbox - Jack" in her list, or can simply go to calendar view and check off any of his calendars that she has read access to.
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