How do you share your business contact manager with coworkers

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new to office

I just purchased outlook with business contact manager and want to share

project information within our office. We do not have a server, we have a

network. Am I able to share this information without a server? I read

something about your email also being shared, is there a way to share your

projects without sharing your email?
On 3/10/2010 5:45 AM, new to office wrote:
> I just purchased outlook with business contact manager and want to share
> project information within our office. We do not have a server, we have a
> network. Am I able to share this information without a server? I read
> something about your email also being shared, is there a way to share your
> projects without sharing your email?

Yes you can. If you do not have a server, you may want to deploy one as

it greatly improves a network if all machines are running XP Pro, Vista

Business/Ultimate, or Win 7 Pro/Ultimate. The least expensive option for

a small office of fewer than 15 people is Windows 2008 Foundation

Server. Available from Dell as a $279 OS option for any small server.

Please spend some time at

Let me know if you have further questions after reading that site.

By the way, this answers your question:

Leonid S. Knyshov

Try Exchange Online

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