I want to be able to run this macro and instead of just flagging the follow up for the next day, I would like it to set it for the next business day. Can anyone help?
Sub ForwardFlag()
Call ForwardAttachment
Call Set_FollowUp
End Sub
Sub ForwardAttachment()
Dim MyItem As Object 'original email
Dim MyFwdItem As MailItem 'forward email
Dim strSub As String 'subject string
Dim Signature As String 'signature string
Dim strBody As String
Set MyItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
If MyItem.Class = olMail Then 'check if mail item is selected
'code to change & manipulate subject of email
strSub = MyItem.Subject
strSub = Replace(strSub, "RE: ", "")
strSub = Replace(strSub, "FW: ", "")
strBody = MyItem.Body
strBody = "<font size=""3"" face=""calibri"">"
Set MyFwdItem = MyItem.Forward
'code to select signature from default location. if none found it will put signature as blank
Signature = Environ("appdata") & "\Microsoft\Signatures\" 'default signature location
If Dir(Signature, vbDirectory) <> vbNullString Then
Signature = Signature & Dir$(Signature & "*.htm")
Signature = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(Signature).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2).ReadAll
Signature = ""
End If
'set email parameters
With MyFwdItem
.To = ""
.Subject = strSub
.HTMLBody = strBody & "<br>" & Signature
.Display 'replace with .send once your happy it works
End With
Set MyFwdItem = Nothing
MsgBox "Select a mailitem and try again"
End If
Set MyItem = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Set_FollowUp()
Dim numDays As Double
Dim uPrompt As String
Dim MyMailItem As Object
startDate = Now + 1
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then
Set MyMailItem = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
End If
If MyMailItem Is Nothing Then
' Might be in the explorer window
If (ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 1) And _
(ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Class = olMail) Then
Set MyMailItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
End If
End If
If MyMailItem Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Problem." & vbCr & vbCr & "Try again " & _
"under one of the following conditions:" & vbCr & _
"-- You are viewing a single message." & vbCr & _
"-- You have only one message selected.", _
Exit Sub
End If
MyMailItem.FlagDueBy = startDate
' *** optional code ***
'uPrompt = "Follow-Up how many days from now? Decimals allowed."
'numDays = InputBox(prompt:=uPrompt, Default:=1)
'MyMailItem.FlagDueBy = Now + numDays
'MyMailItem.FlagRequest = "Customized Follow up"
' *** end of optional code ***
End Sub