Where is the setting to *turn off* open calendar in a new window?

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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I've tried closing Outlook windows using the X, I've rebooted with Outlook running, I killed Outlook using task manager. I started Outlook with the /recycle switch - everything I can find on the forums, yet the calendar opens as a new window when Outlook launches. Is there a registry setting that I can delete?
Closing the windows with an X always works when I'm helping a client who wants multiple windows open and I close one. :)

Try this: close the second window and a few minutes or so later, close Outlook using the File >Exit command. Then immediately reopen.

If that doesn't work, I'll do some tests and get the registry key where the windows are stored - you can delete the registry key to go back to one window.
I've tried closing Outlook windows using the X, I've rebooted with Outlook running, I killed Outlook using task manager. I started Outlook with the /recycle switch - everything I can find on the forums, yet the calendar opens as a new window when Outlook launches. Is there a registry setting that I can delete?
Closing the windows with an X always works when I'm helping a client who wants multiple windows open and I close one. :)

Try this: close the second window and a few minutes or so later, close Outlook using the File >Exit command. Then immediately reopen.

If that doesn't work, I'll do some tests and get the registry key where the windows are stored - you can delete the registry key to go back to one window.
I may have stumbled on it... I went to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar and changed Alter Calendar Type to value 0. Restarted Outlook and no separate calendar window. Hoping to recreate this on a client PC shortly - I'll update this post with the results.
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