Views ans Where Settings AreSavd

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Outlook 365 64 bit
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Sorry about the typos in the heading. I could not see how to edit the heading text after I published the entry.

I'm using Outlook 2016.

I have multiple PST files with multiple views. I understand views in "All Mail and Post Folders" cannot be shard between "All IMAP Folders", so I created views for each.

I also created master views saved in the folder level and then copy them to the public/IMAP folders to be shared. That all seems to work.

For example, I created a view called "Received". I applied it to all my "Received" folders either one at a time or using the "Apply current views to other mail folders". That all seems to be OK.

My question is after I apply a view what happens if I change it. Assume I applied my received view to four receive folders. I then want to make a change so I update the view settings in one of my received folders. Does that change get applied to all three other received folders. It seems like it does not.

So are views just a way to get started but any updates to a view in a folder are only made to that folder. If I want to update all folders I need to make the change manually across all four folders. Is my understanding correct?

If I am understanding correctly, is there a way to make change to a view so it affects all folders? Maybe it is easier just to make private views for each folder.

Thank you for your time.

We don't care about typos, at least as long as it doesn't affect the understanding of the problem. :)

My question is after I apply a view what happens if I change it. Assume I applied my received view to four receive folders. I then want to make a change so I update the view settings in one of my received folders. Does that change get applied to all three other received folders. It seems like it does not.
Generally speaking, the view is only changed on the folder you change it on. Making a change makes a one-off view and if you want it on the other folders, you need to apply it to those folders.

If you edit it from the Manage View dialog, it may apply to all folders - it depends if a view on any folder way changed to a on-off view.
Thank you Diane.

I created public views and then in each folder made a copy of the public view to a private view for each folder. The drawback to this is now is if I need to make edits and want the same edits on all folders, I need to manually update each folder one at a time.

I tried to see what settings made in the Manage View dialog applied across all folders, but to me my results were to inconsistent. I could not determined what change is global and what change is local.

I hope Microsoft adds the capability so a view can link to all folders that is using it so making a change in one folder updates all folders that view is used.
I hope Microsoft adds the capability so a view can link to all folders that is using it so making a change in one folder updates all folders that view is used.
Why not edit one view then apply it to all folders rather than using a private view?
If I need to make a change to a view in a folder, currently the change is only in that folder. It does not update the same view across all folders. For example, assume I have "View A" and I apply it to folders F1, F2, F3. In F3, I then change "View A" to add a new column. I do not see that change in folders F1 and F2 even though all three folders have the same "View A". The change to "View A" in F3 does not carry over to folders F1 and F2. You had noted earlier the view is only changed on the folder you change it on. Am I miss-understanding?

Is your idea in folder F3 is to copy "View A" to maybe "View B" and then apply "View B" to all the folders. I can then delete "View A" and since public it would be deleted across all folders.

If I go to a new computer, do public folders get saved in the PST file? When I upgraded from 2013 to 2016 I had lost all my public views. The view name was still listed as a view, but all my settings were lost. It seems like it was a shadow of a vie (best way to explain it) I though private would be a better approach to make sure the views are saved.

Maybe create master private views in some folders and then make copies to public and then apply those public folders as needed?
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