Office 365 erased all of my task views

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I run Outlook 2016 desktop version on Win10 with SMTP. I had some complex task views set-up, life was good and then..

I installed Office 365.
This erased all of my task views and most of my mail views :(

This begs a few questions;

1. Is there a way to recover my views?
2. going forward, is there a way to install Office 365 without this happening?
3. Can views from Outlook desktop be saved and migrated to another computer?
Were the tasks in a pst, an exchange mailbox, or in an imap account? Did you change the default data file?

Views are stored in the default data file (with exceptions) - the only way you should lose them is if you change the default, use the /cleanviews switch, or import (views do not import/export).

You can copy them to a pst - the copy will be 'this folder only' - then copy them back as 'for all'.

Or you can use mfcmapi to extract them from the data file.
Hello Diane; I was not using Exchange before this, I assume my Task views are in PST and are hidden/overridden by the policy settings of the exchange server. I also assume my email view was spared because it was stored in my IMAP account.

The easiest way to confirm this would be for me to delete the Office365 account from my Outlook and happens. If my Task view settings are there, then selection options of Task views from my *.pst file are hidden by O365. If these views are not there, then O365 deletes them.

I will try out your "How To Copy Views" article.

On a related matter, I still use that VBS script that gives me a choice of creating a task or appointment, or nothing from my outgoing emails from my main email addy. (I had paid you to do a customization of this script and it continues to work great!) As soon as I installed this exchnage account, the script started working with outgoing email from my new O365 account by creating tasks and appointments also in this O365 account.* In File >Account Settings > Account Settings, my main email is unchanged, Thus, installing O365 did not chnage this setting.

My takeaway, is that O365 is a 'bully'! and can override existing settings. However, O365 can still work in harmony with a setting like mine of IMAP email and local machine calendar and tasks in the *.pst .

* You did mention that this script can be modified to work with multiple email accounts. With O365, this means multiple calendars and multiple task lists. While I can see the value in having seperate task lists and calendars for work and personal, this would be overkill for me.
Hello Diane; I removed the O365 Exchange account and my Task views re-appeared!Thus, the local computer views from my *.pst file are hidden by O365.
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