We know where they are supposed to be - but when you upgrade from older versions, other software, or use 3rd party software, they may not be where we expect them to be. We can't look at your drive, so we can only go by where Outlook normally puts the pst files. We don't live online 24/7, waiting for questions. I know I have a life outside of the internet and I'm sure Diane does too.
Did you open the pst file that has your address as the file name? That should be the pst file that Outlook created when you created your profile. Whether Aid4Mail put the eudora mail there or somewhere else is unknown - my crystal ball can't see what it did.
Did you read the Aid4Mail help? Did it say what pst file it uses?
Since you use Windows 7, the two default locations for pst files is at %localappdata%\microsoft\outlook and in My Documents\Outlook files. The microsoft\outlook location is the old default - used by outlook 2007 and older, plus IMAP, Hotmail Connector and Exchange server. Pst files you create or ones outlook creates for POP3 accounts go into the My Documents\Outlook files folder. If the pst files in those locations don't have the missing Eudora mail, you need to contact Aid4Mail and ask where it put the mail.