How do I start completely from scratch in setting up Outlook 2013?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
Hi there

I have kind of an annoying problem: I've just purchased and set up Outlook 2013, and made a few mistakes, it seems. One of them was importing several .ics calendars - and now I can't delete them anymore. (There doesn't seem to be a solution. Once you import such a calendar, it is there to stay. They're not online calendars, I had them on my PC as files and imported them).

So I thought: Well, no problem, let's just start from scratch. Nothing much lost, yet.

Not so easy, it seems. I ended up uninstalling the whole office suite (Office Home&Business), even using Microsoft's fixit to really get rid of everything. After that, I re-installed office.

But: The SAME Mail accounts, the same settings overall - and, most annoyingly, the same useless calendars I really don't want - were here again. Like magic. Black magic. I really desintalled everything. I used the fixit. I restarted the machine...

So, dear forum: what can I do to really start from scratch? So that I can set up all my stuff like Outlook was new?

Thank you!
The calendars are in the mailbox and when you open the mailbox, they will download... or you are using the old profile.

Are they separate calendars or appointments/events in one calendar? Try using a list view on the calendar, add the last modified field to the view and sort. Are the events you want to remove sorting together? If so, select the first one, hold shift and select the last then delete.

If they were opened as ics files and are in their own data file, you can delete them from File, Account Settings, Internet Calendar.

If you really want a new profile, close outlook, go to control panel and search for Mail. Delete the profile and make a new one - but if the calendars are in your mailbox, it won't help.

FWIW and for next time, uninstalling rarely fixes problems...
The calendars are in the mailbox and when you open the mailbox, they will download... or you are using the old profile.

Are they separate calendars or appointments/events in one calendar? Try using a list view on the calendar, add the last modified field to the view and sort. Are the events you want to remove sorting together? If so, select the first one, hold shift and select the last then delete. .

Thank you very much for your reply. I don't know much about calendars, admittedly. Here's what I did: I opened Outlook. I set it up using my account. Next, I wanted to import a few calendars from my Mac days. In the end, I collected 5 .ics calendar files which I wanted to integrate in Outlook. Preferably NOT as separate calendars, but all unified in my main (default) Outlook calendar. But here's what happened when I opened/imported the .ics files from my hard drive: A new, separate calendar was created in Outlook - and one I can't delete anymore (the delete button is greyed out). This is obviously very annoying. I will never again click on a .ics file on this computer.

If they were opened as ics files and are in their own data file, you can delete them from File, Account Settings, Internet Calendar.

No, this is not possible, unfortunately. There are no calendars showing up in the Account settings. No Internet calendars, and no shared ones.

If you really want a new profile, close outlook, go to control panel and search for Mail. Delete the profile and make a new one - but if the calendars are in your mailbox, it won't help.

FWIW and for next time, uninstalling rarely fixes problems...

Thank you again. This is what I did, so I now have a new profile, just need to figure out how to merge my calendars with the main calendar (which is my default) without creating any new non-deletable items in Outlook 2013. And yes, I'll keep that in mind with the re-installing :-).
Thank you again. This is what I did, so I now have a new profile, just need to figure out how to merge my calendars with the main calendar (which is my default) without creating any new non-deletable items in Outlook 2013. And yes, I'll keep that in mind with the re-installing :-).

Try using File, Open & Export - and import the ics files.

I have by now found out the root of my problems, I think: It seems it's a "feature" of the new Exchange ActiveSync protocol (EAS 14.0).

Well, that's it for me then, Outlook is not for me. I can't believe it. An address in Outlook 2013 means you can't even have rules to move mails from other accounts into your main inbox. Because you can't. Because the new protocol doesn't allow it. Argh, back to google it is then. I don't want to, but this is ridiculous.
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