How can I start a NEW PST file without loosing my contacts & other data

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Outlook 2013 32 bit
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My situation- I have a 38Gb PST file. I would like to start creating new PST files once a year starting now. Can anyone tell me how can I start a new PST file without loosing my Contacts, Rules, Calendars, RSS, and so on? I would hope this is an easy answer because it sounds like it could be. I would appreciate any and all comments and/or suggestions.

I should have started this two and a half years ago, then I wouldn't be in this predicament.

Thank You.

David :)
The easiest way is to archive the older stuff to a new pst file - this way calendar, contacts, categories etc stay in the old pst. You can manually archive from the File, Clean up tools menu or configure automatic archive on File, Options, Advanced.

More information:

Clean up deleted and junk folders:

Thank you! That worked form my inbox. Is there an easy way to archive all the subfolders under the inbox all at once? I have approximately 36 separate folders, and I would like to include them in the Archive PST as well. Last question, I promise! Can I do the same thing with my RSS feeds? I think that takes up more room than the messages. Once I have everything archived, how do I get the original PST file down from 37.4Gb down to the realistic size, because when I archived/moved my inbox messages, the inbox stayed the same size.

Thank You.

David :)
Open the AutoArchive options in File, Options, Advanced (its also on the ribbon, but i forget which tab) and set a default autoarchive period then apply it to all folders. If any folders should use a different period or not get archived, change it's folders. As long as most folders use the same period, it's easy. (Contacts won't be archived, ever.)
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