End-time meeting reminder (or "negative" time relative to the meeting start time)

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
Is it possible to set a meeting reminder relative to its end time?
Alternatively, enter a negative time value relative to the meeting start time?

Scenario: I enter a flight appointment with start (=take off) / end (=landing) times, and wish to set an arriving guest pick-up reminder relative obviously to the landing (and not the take off) time at the destination airport.

I could not find a way to do either with Outlook (2016), which allows only positive time and only relative to the meeting start time.

I'm not aware of a way to do this - you can with tasks but not with appointments. After the reminder fires, you can snooze it. If you use 2 appointments, one for take off, one for landing, a reminder will work.
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