Outlook 365 Outlook Crashes on setting SaveSentMessageFolder

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Outlook 365 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Using Outlook Desktop 365 with Office 365 Exchange. I have a single account with multiple shared mailboxes.
On replying to received messages I want to send from the shared mailbox that the message was addressed to.
When composing a new message, I want to set the SentOnBehalfOfName based on the current folder and save the sent message in the same folder.
With many, many hours of research and trials, I've come up with the below code.
Everything works as desired EXCEPT, saving the new message in the current folder. Setting SaveSentMessageFolder causes Outlook to crash and restart, disabling all VBA on restarting.
Setting it manually works fine. How can I set the SaveSentMessageFolder without crashing?

Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem

Public WithEvents myOlInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors

Private Const conDefaultSendAddress As String = "mydefaultaddress"

Sub Initialize_Handler()

   On Error Resume Next

   Set myOlInspectors = Application.Inspectors

   If TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow) = "Explorer" Then

      Set myItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.item(1)

   ElseIf TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then

      Set myItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem


      Set myItem = Nothing

   End If

End Sub

Private Sub Application_Startup()

   Initialize_Handler   '11/25/2022

End Sub

Private Sub myItem_Open(Cancel As Boolean)

'Set Send address and save folder for new email

Dim aE As Outlook.addressEntry

Dim strSaveFolder As String

Dim strFrom As String

Dim oFldr As Outlook.Folder

   If myItem.Recipients.Count = 0 Then

       strFrom = SendAddressForFolder

       myItem.Recipients.Add (strFrom) 'Issue with SentOnBehalfOfName


       Set aE = myItem.Recipients(1).addressEntry

       myItem.Recipients.Remove (1)

       myItem.SentOnBehalfOfName = strFrom

       myItem.Sender = aE

       strSaveFolder = NewMailSaveFolder

       If strSaveFolder <> "" Then

         Set oFldr = FindOlFolder(Application.Session.Folders(1), strSaveFolder)

         Set myItem.SaveSentMessageFolder = oFldr 'crashes here

       End If

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub myOlInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)

   Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem


   If Inspector.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then

      Set msg = Inspector.CurrentItem

      If msg.Size = 0 Then

         Set myItem = Inspector.CurrentItem

         'can't set SentOnBehalfOfName here, it does not display

      End If

   End If

End Sub

Private Sub myItem_Forward(ByVal Forward As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

   Call AccountToSendViaEx(Forward, False)

End Sub

Private Sub myItem_Reply(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

   Call AccountToSendViaEx(Response, True)

   Debug.Print "reply"

End Sub

Private Sub myItem_ReplyAll(ByVal Response As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

   Call AccountToSendViaEx(Response, True)

End Sub

Private Sub AccountToSendViaEx(ByRef Response As Object, ByVal replyAll As Boolean)

   Response.SentOnBehalfOfName = ReplyAddressUse

End Sub

Private Function ReplyAddressUse() As String

      Dim intRet As Integer

      Dim strAddress As String

      Dim recips As Outlook.Recipients

      Dim recip As Outlook.Recipient

      Dim pa As Outlook.PropertyAccessor

      Dim strRet As String

      Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x39FE001E"


10    On Error GoTo ErrLine

20       Set recips = myItem.Recipients

30       For Each recip In recips

40          Set pa = recip.PropertyAccessor

50          strAddress = pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)

60          If strAddress Like "*@mydomain*" Then

70             strRet = strAddress

80             Exit For

90          End If

100      Next recip

110      If strRet <> "" Then

120         ReplyAddressUse = strRet

130      Else

140         ReplyAddressUse = SendAddressForFolder

150      End If


160      On Error Resume Next

170      Set recips = Nothing

180      Set recip = Nothing

190      Set pa = Nothing

200      Exit Function


210      MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Line: " & Erl

220      Resume ExitLine


End Function

Private Function SendAddressForFolder() As String

Dim strCurrentFolder As String

Dim strRet As String

   strCurrentFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

   Select Case strCurrentFolder

   Case "mydesiredfolder1"

      strRet = "mysharedmailbox1"

   Case "mydesiredfolder2"

      strRet = "mysharedmailbox2"

   Case "mydesiredfolder3"

      strRet = "mysharedmailbox3"

   Case Else

      strRet = conDefaultSendAddress

   End Select

SendAddressForFolder = strRet

End Function

Private Function NewMailSaveFolder() As String

Dim strCurrentFolder As String

Dim strRet As String

   strCurrentFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

   Select Case strCurrentFolder

   Case "mydesiredfolder1"

      strRet = strCurrentFolder

   Case Else

      strRet = ""

   End Select

   NewMailSaveFolder = strRet

End Function

Private Function FindOlFolder(ByRef objRootFolder As Object, ByVal strName As String) As Outlook.Folder

Dim objFldr As Outlook.Folder

   For Each objFldr In objRootFolder.Folders

      If objFldr.Name = strName Then

         Set FindOlFolder = objFldr

         Exit For

      ElseIf objFldr.Folders.Count > 0 Then

         Set FindOlFolder = FindOlFolder(objFldr, strName)

         If Not FindOlFolder Is Nothing Then

            Exit For

         End If

      End If


End Function

Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal item As Object)

   Call Initialize_Handler

End Sub
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On replying to received messages I want to send from the shared mailbox that the message was addressed to.
This should work natively if you have send as permissions
Everything works as desired EXCEPT, saving the new message in the current folder.
Current folder or current mailbox sent folder?

If current folder, are you getting the correct folder?
I'll need to test it to see if I can repro -
Thank you for the reply. Sorry for the delayed response as I didn't get an email notification. I tweaked my preferences, so hopefully will get them now.
This should work natively if you have send as permissions
No, it does not work natively. I do have the permissions and regularly send via the different mailboxes.
Background - I had been using POP for many years. While the main account and each shared mailbox were separate 'accounts' in Outlook, there was only one folder tree. Even with that, I still had to use code to reply/forward using the received email address.
I just switched to Exchange connection because Microsoft is disabling basic authentication Jan 1 and won't enable MFA for POP. When I did that, Outlook created a separate folder tree for each mailbox - what a mess. After much research, I found that removing permission on the shared mailboxes via PowerShell, then adding them back, with automapping flag = false, eliminated all of the extra folder trees, leaving me with one manageable tree. I still had to use the code for reply/forward. Just had to tweak it to assign SentOnBehalfOfName instead of an 'account'.
Current folder or current mailbox sent folder?
Current folder.
If current folder, are you getting the correct folder?
Yes, I stepped through and checked. Even made sure I declared the variable as an Outlook.Folder, not just an object (had tried that initially). BTW, my version is 16.0.12624.20278 32bit.
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