Best way to share (and keep up-to-date) Macro's in Outlook 2010

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Patrick van Berkel

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account

I'm still somewhat of a novice in Macro's (especially when it comes to Outlook). Together with a team member I have been working on some Macro's to automate some steps in handling the emails. I am looking at the best way to 'distribute' these Macro's, but also try to make sure that they are kept up to date. I have created a form which depending on which user is opening the form will give a menu with some options. Even though I have though of a way to automatically update the VBAProject.ost file, the team members have indicated that they would prefer to have these in a ribbon instead. I have no ideal however, how to approach this :).

Any help is appreciated :)

Thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards,
The best way to distribute macros is by converting them to a com addin. You can build a ribbon for them and install everything for them - they won't have to do anything more than click a button. The alternate option is to create a ribbon and export it then send that around. It's a bit more effort but easy enough for most people.
Hi Diane, thank you very much for your response. When you say 'build a ribbon' I guess this is in Visual Basic or something. I don't have that programme on my computer o_O. Would then only the second option remain?
Yeah, it would be in the Visual Studio - Turning it into a com add-in requires VS too, so that is out.

I would customize your own ribbon and export it, otherwise everyone needs to create their own. To share the macros, you need to either export them or share them as text files an d add them to every body's computer.
Thanks again. That will do the trick. I think I can 'distribute' the code by overwriting there VbaProject.otm file on the users computers with the one that has the code in it.

Q: Can I force outlook to instead of starting on the home ribbon to start on my customized ribbon?
I think I can 'distribute' the code by overwriting there VbaProject.otm file on the users computers with the one that has the code in it.
You can but the user needs to open the VBA editor to enable it. That's mainly the reason it's better to use com addins, especially if you need to share it with a lot of people.

I believe you can use a macro to set the default tab but i don't have any code samples. You could try adjusting the tabs so the custom tab is ahead of home - that might do it.
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