BCM Installation Best Practices?

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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I find there's not much support for BCM, I was wondering if anyone can direct me to a step by step on how to properly install it. First off I would like to know if it's best to setup SQL on Server 2003 then convert the BCM database into it or if no other SQL applications are needed, installing BCM on the server and using the built in SQL express will do just fine?

On a separate install at my office, I have SBS2011, used the convert utility to convert BCM database into SQL, everything completed, yet users cannot connect to it, my SQL knowledge is limited and wanted to know how I could troubleshoot..Thx!!
No, there isn't much support for BCM. :(

If you aren't using SQL for other purposes, use SQL express - its easier to configure and use. (Even if you are using SQL for other stuff, you can use both.) You need to install BCM on the server and configure it for multiple users then install it on the user's computers.

Do the users get any errors? Permissions are the usual cause - i assume they connected ok before you moved it into SBS2011? I'd start with checking the permissions in SQL - do the user accts have the necessary permissions?
Screen Shot 02-10-17 at 03.16 AM.JPG

Hi, hope you're been doing well! I'm once again stuck trying to connect to a win 10 pro station that's hosting a brand new BCM2010 database, i installed Sql 2008 with the management studio and shared the database wtih the BCM databse management tool, unfortunately i always get a prompt telling me my user password is wrong which is not true! Firewalls are all off too..it's been hours i'm trying to figure out what's going on..please help! :)
UPDATE: Everytime i try to access the BCM database i get the following error logged on the server which is not documented anywhere:

Event 16969, Directory-Services SAM
Although i coud not fix the issue, ended up reformatting the server to get BCM working, for those facing the same issue, uninstalling KB3213986 seems to fix the problem. I believe new security measures were implemented with the update which prevents from BCM users from authenticating with any other user account then local administrator.
Although i coud not fix the issue, ended up reformatting the server to get BCM working, for those facing the same issue, uninstalling KB3213986 seems to fix the problem. I believe new security measures were implemented with the update which prevents from BCM users from authenticating with any other user account then local administrator.

Please check GPO solution:
Outlook 2010 - Problems connecting to BCM
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