Simple calendar sharing doesn't work

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Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
My wife and I both use Office 2016 and Outlook. I tried sharing calendars using tools on the calendar page. The effort crashed each time with an ambiguous "something happened" message.
At the top of her calendar the heading says "outlook_(long code of numbers/letters) - Outlook"
Top of my calendar just "Calendar -Outlook"
This should be easy (hah!) What is going wrong? Where can I find an article or step-by-step on this?
>> outlook_(long code of numbers/letters) - Outlook
She is using a non-outlook address as a microsoft account. Try adding an alias to the account and share with it. Go to then click Manage how i sign in and add an alias to it.
>> outlook_(long code of numbers/letters) - Outlook
She is using a non-outlook address as a microsoft account. Try adding an alias to the account and share with it. Go to then click Manage how i sign in and add an alias to it.
>> outlook_(long code of numbers/letters) - Outlook
She is using a non-outlook address as a microsoft account. Try adding an alias to the account and share with it. Go to then click Manage how i sign in and add an alias to it.
Aloha, Diane. I got wife set up with an Outlook alias. Now when I try to share, I get a popup "Some permissions cannot be displayed" I searched on this and found the topic in the forums, but it seems to be a Dev-level solution, involving tool downloads, complex instructions and Exchange. Looks beyond my meager talents. Is there some simpler way to tackle this? Is the hangup on either of our machines or "out there" somewhere?
Finally, small thing, but I'm not a new member as posted on original message! I would guess at least six or seven years. Not a big deal, but it hurts my pride a bit :)
Greg Schultz
I don't believe I posted the headline below ("Data in People Pane", etc)..or if I did and forgot, it is no longer relevant. Please disregard.
Finally, small thing, but I'm not a new member as posted on original message! I would guess at least six or seven years. Not a big deal, but it hurts my pride a bit :)

The important stuff first... its done by post count... and is showing member now. :) I thought it also went by date though... will need to check that.
Now when I try to share, I get a popup "Some permissions cannot be displayed"
Are you sharing from outlook? Try doing it from outlook on the web. That insures you are using the new sharing "experience". If you access the share in outlook on the web, it adds it to the mailbox and is a better experience.

Not knowing exactly what articles you found, so i can't be positive, but most likely they no longer apply because / exchange accounts use the new sharing model.
Thanks for the promotion. I find it a bit ironic that I'm a senior member basically because I have a lot of problems! You are so perceptive in fixing them that I darn near worship you :)
I am so very frustrated with Outlook Windows (or 2016) that I would like your advice about shifting entirely to (or is there anything better?) I have used "2016" and its predecessors for perhaps fifteen years (aargh!). I am familiar with the commands and menus, but I am constantly tripping over issues with the servers and infrastructure that lie outside of my machine. This calendar sharing hoohah is a good example. has become pretty coercive about binding itself to my iPhone and my PC. It's like having to deal with two children with different temperaments. I am retired now and my mail interactions are relatively limited. I think I'm stuck with Time Warner/Spectrum and their RoadRunner web and mail services.
Could I shift my mail program from '16 to without a huge storm of complications? I'd really value your thoughts. I know I have to make my own decision, but you have an unique overview of the Outlook mess.
Best regards from a senior troublemaker.
Greg Schultz
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