The way expand/collapse folders is actually meant to work?

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
There's an Advanced View setting in "Group By" called "Expand/collapse defaults." If it's on "As last viewed," what should that do, exactly, for the behavior of the expanded/collapsed state of sections like "Last Month" and "Older" in Inbox?

My naive interpretation of it is that it should honor how you have the expanded/collapsed state of various sections in Inbox (or other folders with the view) set. So, for example, if you have "Older" collapsed but the rest expanded, it should stay that way unless you change it.

It doesn't. Most of the time, when you click out of Inbox into other folders in the tree (Deleted Items, Sent Items, whatever), and then go back to Inbox, you'll find that anything previously collapsed is expanded. But sometimes it's not, and when you return to Inbox, you'll find things just as they were!

If there's any reason for this, I've yet to figure it out. At first, I thought it might be determined by what view the folder you're clicking over to has, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It just seems random and seems like an outright bug. This behavior is present in the latest Office 365 version, at least. I doubt this is anything new.

What do you think? Thanks.
It should keep the folders collapsed as they were the last time you used the folder.

But... Views are weird and can get messaged up, especially when you use the same view on different folders - it makes a "one-off? copy of the view in the folder but it can easily be replaced/reset by the default view. Try making a copy the view and applying that to the folder - does the collapse state work better?
OK, I did that, calling it "Inbox" for clarity, setting it to "This folder" (instead of the usual All Mail), and applying the view. But it appeared to make no difference at all relative to this issue, since switching away from Inbox and then back finds any section previously collapsed to be expanded.
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