The Outlook API wrongfully shows an outlook folder to have zero sub-folders

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New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange

I have a random issue where moving a MailItem to a sub-folder (uner the same Exchange Store)
FAILS from time to time.

The real issue is that Outlook stops "seeing" sub-folders under the "\\ACME\DefaultInbox\".
* It basicaly shows the "DefaultInbox" sub-folder to have "zero" sub-folders.

** VBA and VBNET- same phenomemon.

By thwe way, Redemption does not have this issue.

Sample and edited code from :
FolderPath = \\DRK\DefaultInbox\CannoSeeThis"

FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\")
Set oFolder = Application.Session.Folders.item(FoldersArray(0))
If Not oFolder Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1)
Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders
Set SubFolders = oFolder.Folders <<<< The error will happen here for "DefaultInbox"
Set oFolder = SubFolders.item(FoldersArray(i))
If oFolder Is Nothing Then
Set GetFolderPath = Nothing
End If
End If

I investigated more and it seems that when the issue happens, the EntryId of the "DefaultInbox" folder is WRONG .

It can be seen by the following experiment-

* Just for testing, I requested (Outlook native code) the folder using the CORRECT entryid (and storeid) :

Set ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oFolder = ns.GetFolderFromID("000000001558C00B64527A4E83C186E33FCE9CCF018018D07E87680CDD48B628CC1483CA3B1B00001BAEBE590100", _

* However, what I got is a folder with a DIFFERENT entryid-


** The difference are small:

*** at the end- 90100 (good one) VS 90000 (bad one).

*** in the middle- F018018 vs F010018 .

The issue almost seems like a some kind of security feature that "acts out" from time to time.

Thanks in advance

Using: Outlook for Office 365 MSO (ver 16.0.11929.20708) 32 bit
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