Simple Sharing of Outlook Profile

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Hi. I'm not a very sophisticated user of outlook. I manage a server in a small office that we use mostly for our database. We have a support email address that is checked by one person currently in the office. We use outlook to access a GoDaddy email account and we had to stop saving a copy on the server because we would end up using up our alotted space. So we have one person downloading all the support email onto her computer. When she is out or when someone else needs to get into the support emails we have to get on her computer to do it. Is there a way to set up outlook so that the emails are downloaded to our server and then can we set up to access those emails from other computers on our network.

I imagine exchange server will be recomended, but we don't have it in our budget and this would be our only need if there is another way to do it.

Thanks for any help

Exchange server would be better - which godaddy offers, but it is more expensive than the standard email accounts.

Do you need to get into her computer to see previously downloaded email? If so, its all in the pst file. It not recommened that you access this across the network but you could use a batch file to copy the pst to a network location every evening so anyone can access it any time. if you reply to mail from the backup, you'll want to BCC the support address so the record is in the master copy.

if you need to review new mail, that profile can set outlook to leave mail on the server for 14 days - the support person will download it on her next work day. (Of course, they could also use the godaddy web interface.)
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