Sharing BCM Database

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Chris Grew

Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Hi All,

Newbie here.

Having discovered and just installed BCM on a new Surface Pro 3, running Windows 8.1 and Office 365, I am looking to use this as a small company database for CRM purposes.

I have used Maximizer for many years since it was a DOS programme, but have found I use it's capabilities less and less as it has become more complicated. We have no need for reporting and graphs, just simple contact and history information.

This week I moved 15,000 contacts into BCM and am currently linking over 10 years of emails.

What I would like to do, is share my BCM data with others, but I am often away from the office.

Forgive, what might seem like a dumb question to you more technical folk. If I share within the office, then go off site, will my colleagues still be able to see and use the database?

If not, is there another 'easy' way of doing this?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

ps. Diane, we just met elsewhere on the internet. You do get around a bit!!
I am in the exact same position and would really like BCM to perform this function. I have three employees all with laptops. I want the data shared (very doable). But I want each of them to be able to work when the host/sharing computer is offsite. If anyone has any input that would be great. We also use 365 for our email/calendar hosting (not sure that helps at all). Thanks Dan
I missed this question earlier, sorry. Yes, they can use the database if you are offsite - they'll have an offline copy on their machine. One thing to note: if you use a Microsoft account to log into the computer, you either can't share the database or will need to log into the computers using your Microsoft account.
You don't need a homegroup - you do need to be able to ping one computer from the other and see it on the network. Does parallels create it's own little network?
I have no idea...... It use the IP of the host. And can't get the "Bridged Network" to work.
Posted a ticket with them, last night.

Thx ;-)
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