Blank E-mail in Sent Folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bryan
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I have a question I am hoping someone can answer.

I often monitor the e-mail from other employees in my department and I have

noticed that one employee's Sent Items folder contains nothing but blank

messages. This employee is sending replies and/or new e-mail to other

employees, but they are getting saved in his Sent Items as a blank message.

The record is there, showing who it was sent to and the time, but the body of

the message is blanked out.

What option in Microsoft Outlook allows this to happen? Does it involve

setting up a rule? Is it possible to undo this and see the text of these Sent

Items? This individual is likely doing this so that management cannot read

his e-mail that he sends, because some of the messages are likely offensive.
Is it possible the employee is using stationery? What happens if you

highlight the body of the email, do you see text then?

"Bryan" <Bryan> wrote in message
> I have a question I am hoping someone can answer.

> I often monitor the e-mail from other employees in my department and I

> noticed that one employee's Sent Items folder contains nothing but blank
> messages. This employee is sending replies and/or new e-mail to other
> employees, but they are getting saved in his Sent Items as a blank

> The record is there, showing who it was sent to and the time, but the body

> the message is blanked out.

> What option in Microsoft Outlook allows this to happen? Does it involve
> setting up a rule? Is it possible to undo this and see the text of these

> Items? This individual is likely doing this so that management cannot read
> his e-mail that he sends, because some of the messages are likely

There is nothing to highlight. The body of the e-mail is blank. If I click my

mouse in the body of the blank message and then right click my mouse and

request select all, then click inside another document and paste, it is


There has to be some feature or rule that is telling Microsoft Outlook to

send a message like normal, but then to erase all of the contents of the

message before placing it in the Sent Items folder. I just can't figure out

what it is.

"" wrote:

> Is it possible the employee is using stationery? What happens if you
> highlight the body of the email, do you see text then?

> "Bryan" <Bryan> wrote in message
> > I have a question I am hoping someone can answer.
> > I often monitor the e-mail from other employees in my department and I

> have
> > noticed that one employee's Sent Items folder contains nothing but blank
> > messages. This employee is sending replies and/or new e-mail to other
> > employees, but they are getting saved in his Sent Items as a blank

> message.
> > The record is there, showing who it was sent to and the time, but the body

> of
> > the message is blanked out.
> > What option in Microsoft Outlook allows this to happen? Does it involve
> > setting up a rule? Is it possible to undo this and see the text of these

> Sent
> > Items? This individual is likely doing this so that management cannot read
> > his e-mail that he sends, because some of the messages are likely

> offensive.

> .
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