Junk E-mail Options disabled(?)


Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Operating system::    Windows 10 x64
Outlook version:     v2409
Email type or host:    Exchange

Outlook - Microsoft 365 (v2409 Build 16.0.18025.20030 64-bit). Exchange.
It strikes me that I do not have Junk E-mail options like 'No Automatic Filtering, Low, High, Safe Lists Only'
Is there a way to enable those options?

Secondly: is there a way to let ME decide on what should be deleted/is junk, instead of Outlook?
All 'solutions' are based on e-mail that already arrived in the junk mail: users should then mark those mails as 'not junk'.

It so happened a few times already that I ordered for some product and that I was kept informed of when it was packed, sent, rough estimate of arrival, and lateron a more exact estimate of arrival, when it was delivered in the mailbox in the apartment building.
I was waiting for the postman, but did not notice the mail in the junk mail that already it was delivered.
Outlook automatically decided that these mails were junk.

It would be nice if I could entirely 'disable' the junk folder: no mail to arrive in the junk mail, I will decide... (delete mails using rules)


SnagIt-11102024 070928.png
As of a recent version, the dialog is simplified - because Outlook no longer updates the junk mail filters and permanently delete can delete good mail (because the filters are not updated).


Secondly: is there a way to let ME decide on what should be deleted/is junk, instead of Outlook?
All 'solutions' are based on e-mail that already arrived in the junk mail: users should then mark those mails as 'not junk'.
For outlook.com / Microsoft 365 addresses, no (although business accounts have more control) - POP accounts should have no filtering, and IMAP would depend on your email host's filtering options.

If senders are going into junk email, you should add them to the safe list - select the message and either use the ribbon or right-click menu Block > Never block.
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Thanks. The sad thing is: you only find out later (too late) that mail arrived in the junk folder.
The other day I was waiting and waiting for a parcel sent thru DHL. A small parcel. It might/or just not might not fit in the mailbox.
In the end I went down in the apartment building and found the parcel indeed was in the mailbox and the advice in the junk folder that it has been delivered... Didn't check the junk folder. I ordered some other stuff thru Internet. All those notification arrived in the junk folder.
When something is 'new' (new senders) the junk folder seems to be -the- location, regretfully so.
Anyway, you can't help it either.

I was wondering: in case I would provide my Gmail account instead of my Outlook, when ordering something new, would notifications also land in the junk mail. Gmail is set to forward to Outlook (my Gmail account is also within Outlook, meaning it is the same folder tree as my Outlook account).

Thanks again.
Yeah, I often forget to look there - I use the favorites folder list and added the junk mail folder to it - and set the folder to show the total count. It makes it a little easier to remember to check it, especially if I clear the junk mail regularly.

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