Disable Junk E-mail Filter in Outlook 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan Palacio
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Dan Palacio

Good morning. I have tried searching online but have been unable to

find a suitable answer. I am using Outlook 2007 and after installing

SP2 for Office, I noticed that my junk e-mail is still getting

filtered by outlook even though I've selected No Automatic Filtering.

I do not want to use Outlook as my junk e-mail filter and want to use

a third party program. Most of my searches have turned up nothing but

thought I'd try here. Is there anyway to disable the filter

(uninstall, registry hack, whatever)? I do not like this filter at

all. Too many false positives and every e-mail I get that is good

automatically goes into Junk unless it's on my Approved list. Any help

would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
Make sure you have also emptied your blocked and safe lists.

In addition, when you are using Exchange, your mail admin could have server

side filtering enabled which also puts them in the Junk E-mail folder.

"Dan Palacio" <palaciod@gmail.com> wrote in message

> Good morning. I have tried searching online but have been unable to
> find a suitable answer. I am using Outlook 2007 and after installing
> SP2 for Office, I noticed that my junk e-mail is still getting
> filtered by outlook even though I've selected No Automatic Filtering.
> I do not want to use Outlook as my junk e-mail filter and want to use
> a third party program. Most of my searches have turned up nothing but
> thought I'd try here. Is there anyway to disable the filter
> (uninstall, registry hack, whatever)? I do not like this filter at
> all. Too many false positives and every e-mail I get that is good
> automatically goes into Junk unless it's on my Approved list. Any help
> would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
SP2 adds a note in the Infobar letting you know if outlook's junk filter put

the message in the junk folder. If there is no note or it says a 3rd party

tool did it, you'll need to identify the other source yourself.

"Dan Palacio" <palaciod@gmail.com> wrote in message

> Good morning. I have tried searching online but have been unable to
> find a suitable answer. I am using Outlook 2007 and after installing
> SP2 for Office, I noticed that my junk e-mail is still getting
> filtered by outlook even though I've selected No Automatic Filtering.
> I do not want to use Outlook as my junk e-mail filter and want to use
> a third party program. Most of my searches have turned up nothing but
> thought I'd try here. Is there anyway to disable the filter
> (uninstall, registry hack, whatever)? I do not like this filter at
> all. Too many false positives and every e-mail I get that is good
> automatically goes into Junk unless it's on my Approved list. Any help
> would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
I know for a fact it is the Junk E-mail filter in Outlook. I currently

have no 3rd party programs installed as of yet so I can remove the

filter before using it. Otherwise it's useless. Also I do have an

exchange server but ALL exchange filters are again turned off. I know

it's Outlook because when I exit Outlook and check my e-mail later in

the day, ALL spam is now in my Inbox because Outlook wasn't able to

filter it. So I know it's Outlook, and all I can think of is to

uninstall SP2 and just use it straight out of the box. Are there any

other ideas?
> Can anybody help me with this?

Well, first thing I'd suggest is patience. The people helping you here are

volunteers, and it's been only 5 hours or so since you last posted.

The second thing, exit out of Outlook, make sure it isn't running. Wait for

messages to show up that would normally go to your Junk folder, sending them

yourself if need be, making sure they are in your Inbox in OWA.

Once they are there, go to Start - Run and run outlook /safe.


Yes every e-mail in my junk folder has that message. I do have No

Automatic Filtering selected.
Disable SPAM filtering via following registry hack:

In Outlook 2007, set the following key (create the keys in the path if they do not exist): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook

DWORD: DisableAntiSpam Value: 1 (Hex)
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