Preventing users to disable an Outlook Add-in

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2010
Is there any way to make an Outlook Add-in so that it cannot be disabled by users?

The Add-in is such in nature that system admins do not want to allow users to disable it.

I know that if it is installed by an admin, it will not be possible for the user to uninstall it. But an user can still go into the Add-in list and disable the Add-in so that it is not loaded. The LoadBehavior is written to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE part of the registry but when an user disables the Add-in, an LoadBehavior key is created with value=2 in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER part of the registry which overwrites the LoadBehavior of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key. This causes the Add-in to not load.

Many thanks.
You can use group policy to force outlook to always load addins. This is usually used to prevent it from disabling addins. It sets the resiliency key and users cannot disable (or enable) addins listed in this key.
String value in the form of the name as it appears on the addin list: Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.Connect.5
value: 1 to always load, 0 to never load.
Resiliency's been around awhile - apparently addinlist is new, i thought it was introduced in 2010 or 2007. In older versions disabled addins went under Resiliency\DisabledItems. If outlook disables them, you can delete the key to enable them but I don't think you can use the key to enable them. :(
Yea Diane, it seems it is only possible to prevent users from disabling add-ins in Outlook 2013 or later.
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