Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\Users\Ad

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
I am constantly getting a Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Loca.... flashing up as soon as I touch a message, I cancel each time, this only started 48 hours ago, and the original was Chrome messages, I uninstalled Google Chrome and I was OK in Internet Explorer 8 until I had 22 Microsoft Office & Security upgrades downloaded and it started again, I can easily get four flashing up = four cancels before I open the email. Help please.
Re: Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\User

Do you know what file it is trying to save? You could try using system restore to roll back before the problem started - if it was an update causing, it may be ok on the second try.
Re: Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\User

Do you know what file it is trying to save? You could try using system restore to roll back before the problem started - if it was an update causing, it may be ok on the second try.
Thank you so much for replying Diane, it is now about three days since it started & is constant, cannot open an email without at least 2 boxes flashing up, same with going to sent emails. It is a different HTML message each time & different amounts e.g. 276KB 10.2KB 337KB, just to touch a message without opening gets 2 quick windows, the top one 276KB & the one behind it after cancelling the first one 10.2KB. I did intend to go back to a restore point but saw that some Critical updates would have been deleted. However I am going to do it anyhow. Thank you.
Re: Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\User

Hi Diane, thank you I restored to 15 August as far back as shown available, and it is AOK now. I have turned off Automatic Windows Update but before it came into action Internet Explorer 9 is onboard and waiting for a computer restart to kick in and be loaded, I have to do it but hope the problem does not restart, I will let you know.
Re: Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\User

Hi Diane, thank you I restored to 15 August as far back as shown available, and it is AOK now. I have turned off Automatic Windows Update but before it came into action Internet Explorer 9 is onboard and waiting for a computer restart to kick in and be loaded, I have to do it but hope the problem does not restart, I will let you know.
Interet Explorer 9 is now back and does not appear to have spoilt anything, this has been a very disruptive experience, there is obviously something 'basic' involved, many thanks for getting me to reconsider and do a Restore, which worked.
Re: Dialogue box 'Do you want to save this file?' Save or Cancel From: C:\User

I'm guessing its one of two things - with a bad update most likely.

A bad update. This is not uncommon when a bunch of updates are installed at once. Rolling back undoes it and in my experience, the reinstall works fine. (It's possible the update really was bad and microsoft fixed it between your installs, but i think its usually just that it didn't install correctly the first time.)

A virus got in. I had ransonware get past Security Essentials and install itself, so it's possible even with antivirus running. (i think MSE kicked off the installer when I had it scan to remove it. I'm still Po'd that it didn't detect the script in the infected webpage.) Your symptoms are iffy for a virus though and only a really lame virus would ask you to save something when you view an email so I don't think its a virus.
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