Suppress dialog box on email check error?

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Our ISP (Cox) is having lots of POP and/or authentication server trouble lately, with concomitant failures checking mail. Looking at the errors (in Outlook logging or from another client) I see authentication timeouts, "Internal server error", etc.

If I could just suppress the dialog box, I'd be happy: I'm going to notice if mail starts not working consistently, and when it does appear, it stops further POP mail checks (and is disruptive if I'm typing in another window).

Is there a way to suppress this dialog? Perhaps some Registry keys? A server-mode Outlook process would want to run this way, so it seems likely that it's at least possible...
What are you using for the check every nn time? Try raising the limits so it comes up less often (it shouldn’t be less than 5 min)... the other option is disabling auto checks until cox fixes it.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to suppress the dialog, so changing the send receive settings is the best option.
Thanks. I have a dozen or so POP accounts. Disabling isn't an option, and lengthening the period would of course reduce the incidence, but doesn't really help--biggest problem is coming back to the machine and having the dialog up and no email, then having to wait for a few dozen messages to arrive.

This is a pretty dumb restriction on Outlook's part, given that it reports failures in the main window and you can get to the details. Hope it gets fixed by Office 2048 or so...
How many accounts are with cox? You could take them out of the main send/receive and put them in a new group.

With a dozen accounts, you definitely don’t want to be checking mail more frequently than every 5 min. If all/many are on cox, you should move half to a new s/r group and stagger the check times - one every 5 min, one every 6.

FWIW, similar behavior happens with my exchange accounts, but usually only when I travel. :( I set outlook offline if I don’t want to be bothered with the dialog.
Seven are with Cox. Why would I want to stagger the check times? That's never mattered in 20 years of multiple accounts with varied ISPs. It's not like my measly few connections overwhelm their servers. Confused.
outlook limits the connections to a server at one time - while this shouldn't be a problem normally, if cox is having server issues, it can help. If you have your check every nn time set to 1 min, outlook is barely finished before it starts checking again.

Imagine if every person with a cox mailbox tried to check it every minute... some will be rejected because the system is overloaded... (This is why we recommend 5 - 8 minute check times.)
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