how/what dialog boxes can I display from VBA code

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I am using messagebox in my VBA macro. The MessageBox seems to not working

as it doesn't get focused me until I activate my Outlook window.

I also want to keep adding messages like "XXX", "YYYY" in same dialog box.

Basically I am looking for similar dialog og "New Alert Item" that outlook


Could you please suggest how/what dialog box that I can display from VBA code?

Please let me know if you have any questions.


MsgBox is modal, you can't add to it after it's displayed, and the code

won't proceed until the user dismisses the message box.

You can use a VBA UserForm, displayed non-modally to show text and add to it

when you want. But that won't have the transparency or timed removal you

have with the new message toast window that Outlook shows.

There are 3rd party controls you can purchase that you can set transparency

on and you can call and dismiss them based on a timer control, but that's

not really appropriate for VBA code.

I'd just probably stick with a UserForm since this is VBA code. Anything

else would be very complex to implement.

"masani paresh" <> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I am using messagebox in my VBA macro. The MessageBox seems to not working
> as it doesn't get focused me until I activate my Outlook window.

> I also want to keep adding messages like "XXX", "YYYY" in same dialog
> box.
> Basically I am looking for similar dialog og "New Alert Item" that outlook
> support.

> Could you please suggest how/what dialog box that I can display from VBA
> code?

> Please let me know if you have any questions.

> > Thanks,
> Paresh
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