How to acess the note field in contact item

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Please I am quite new to outlook programming. I have written a code to import data form an excel file to fill a contact item in outlook. How, I can important the data to fill the note field of the contact item.

Can anyone help me out of this problem, by giving me code or an idea how i can access the note field of a contact item using vba programming?

Many thanks in advance for your help.
Please i am new to outlook programming. I have written a code to import data form an excel list to fill the contact item in outlook. However, I have a problem of finding a way to fill the note column of the contact item.

For i = 2 To Sheets("x").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set outobj = outapp.CreateItem(olContactItem)
On Error Resume Next
outobj.Title = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 1)
outobj.FirstName = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 4)
outobj.LastName = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 3)
outobj.BusinessAddress = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 5)
outobj.Email1Address = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 9)
Next i

outob.note=Sheets("x").Cells(i,12) is not working. Please can someone help me to find a code or idea to to get the code fill the contactitem's note column?

Many thanks in advance.

Dear Adminstrator,

many thanks for the help. I will have this code implimented on Tuesday and I will then give you a feedback if it works.

For now thanks again for your help.

Dear Adminstrator,

yes, the code did work. Thanks a lot for this

However, I want to add the notes row by row. Can you please help me out with a code or give me an idea, how i can have the notes written row by row.

Thanks a lot in advance.

I'm not sure what you mean by row by row. The code that reads the xls sheet should do that, assuming row by row means for each contact record.
Thanks for the reply

I want that the notes appear line by line in a row as . For example

However, I only get last code on the note field, that is

I tried using outob.body=Sheets("x").Cells(i,12) & vbNewLine but it did not work. I used also outob.body=Sheets("x").Cells(i,12) & Chr(10) but it did not worked either. Is there a way to create paragraphs in the note field?

thanks in advance

vbcrlf should work - it's what I always use.

If you want to test different options, try vbcr, vblf, and chr(13) - they should work too, but I would have expected chr(10) to work, so who knows. :)
oh, and for this:


you either need to use

outob.body=Sheets("x").Cells(i,12) & vbcrlf & Sheets("x").Cells(i,13) & vbcrlf & Sheets("x").Cells(i,14)

outob.body=outob.body & vbcrlf & Sheets("x").Cells(i,13)
outob.body=outob.body & vbcrlf & Sheets("x").Cells(i,14)

I'd use the first method myself, maybe assigning the cell values to strings:

strLine1 =Sheets("x").Cells(i,12) & vbcrlf
strLine2=Sheets("x").Cells(i,13) & vbcrlf
strLine3=Sheets("x").Cells(i,14) & vbcrlf

outob.body=strLine1 & strLine2 & strLine3

You may need to use two vbcrlf - & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & for the line feeds.
Many thanks for the help. I will have the code implemented tommorrow and will then give you a feedback.

Secondly, I want to put the contacts extracted from the excel file in a subfolder in outlook. However anytime I try extracting the contactitems are put into the default folder instead, which I don't want.

Below my code:
Set olnamespace = outapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olfolder = olnamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Folders("D")
Set olitems = olfolder.Items

For i = 2 To Sheets("x").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set outobj = outapp.CreateItem(olContactItem)
On Error Resume Next
outobj.Title = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 1)
outobj.FirstName = Sheets("x").Cells(i, 4)

I want the contact items to save in subfolder "D". Could you please give me an idea, how I could go around this problem again?

Many thanks in advance

May I need to implement the code like this:
olfolder.Items.Add ("outobj")

Is this correct?
Hallo Diane,

many thanks for the help. I will have it implemented tomorrow and then give you a feedback.

Hi Diane,

I just want to inform you that the code had worked. Many thanks for the help again.

Hallo Adminstrator,

I just want to also confirmed that the code had worked. Many thanks for help.

Hallo Diane, Hallo Adminstrator,

Please could help me with this problem again? I want to send contact items to a subfolder in our public folder. The path to the subfolder d, has the following structure.

Public All Public Folders-Folders (x)-subfolders(d). The contacts need to be save into subfolder "d"

My code reads:

'Set olfolder = olnamespace.Folders("Public Folders -").Folders("All Public Folders").Folders("x").subfolders("d")
Set olitems = olfolder.items

My question is, can I use the following code to have contacts save into subfolder x directly? I don't want to impliement this code, because I don't know its consequences to existing contacts in the subfolder x.

I will be very grateful if can help me out again, by giving some advance.

Many thanks in advance.

This code:
'Set olfolder = olnamespace.Folders("Public Folders -").Folders("All Public Folders").Folders("x").subfolders("d")

will save contacts to
\\Public Folders -\All Public Folders\x\d
Hallo Diane,

Many thanks for the help. I have used the code and it has worked.

Once again thanks very much.

Hallo Diane, Hallo Adminstrator,

Please I want to add new contacts from an excel list to the public folder. Existing contactitems already in the public folder should have only their notes updated. Existing notes should not be replaced but the new notes should be added to them. If the contact is new, then it should be added the public folder.

My code should the following task done:
First i create a new contact, then I loop through existing contact in the public folder. I then compare Lastname and the Email of new contact with existing contact. If they are the same, then new notes to be added to existing notes. Otherwise the new contact should be added to the existing one.

The code reads:
for i =1 to ws1.usedrangeRow.Count
Set outobj = olfolder.Items.Add(olContactItem)
outobj.FirstName = ws1.Cells(i, 4)
outobj.Email1Address = ws1.Cells(i, 9)
For Each obitem In olitems
If obitem.Class = olContact Then
If outobj.LastName = obitem.LastName And outobj.EmailAddress = obitem.EmailAddress Then
obitem.body=NewNotes & ExistingNote
end if
if obitem.LastName <> outobj.LastName And obitem.EmailAddress <> outobj.EmailAddress
Set outobj = olfolder.Items.Add(olContactItem)
outobj.Lastname= ws1.Cells.( i,2)
next obitem

next i

I tried implimenting it but, it did not work. It was writing new notes on all existing notes of the contact items in the public folder. Please could help me out with a suggest solution.

Many thanks in advance for the help.

I want to extract contact form an excel list into Public Folder in outlook. For existing contacts only notes should be added. I have found a why to add new notes to existing ones. Since I have difficulties in writing a code to compare new contacts (Surname and Email) with existing ones, I have now change it just comparing the emails. My code reads:

for i =1 to ws1.usedrangeRow.Count
ExistingEmail = ws1.Cells(i, 9)
Set outobj = olfolder.Items.Find("ExistingEmail")
if not outobj=nothing then
end if
next i

I don't want to have this code run until an expert can help. Can some please kindly let me know if the would work.

Will this work outobj.body=ws1.cells(i,5) and add notes to the contactitem?


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