Addin / macro / rule to highlight email addresses outside company in To: field

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
Is there an add-in or a way to highlight email addresses in the To: or cc: field that are going to an address outside my organization automatically to avoid accidentally typing/autocompleting an unintentional address?

I set up my email NOT to autosend and find myself re-opening emails in the outbox to double-check this constantly. It would be great if I could quickly identify emails outside the organization visually by color-coding them, just like Outlook 2010/Exchange 2010 does with people that currently have out-of-office messages set (they show up in a blue/green for me and flash there out-of-office message along the top in real time)

FYI, I have tried searching for this and can't seem to find anything other than a few similar requests but no responses/solutions


Re: Addin / macro / rule to highlight email addresses outside company in To: f

It's not something you can do in the compose message field but you could use VBA to check when you send it to the outbox - this could get annoying because it will pop up an "are you sure" message for every message.

I believe you could use a custom view to highlight messages to outside addresses in the outbox or a rule to hold mail sent to outside addresses. (I'll test it.)
Re: Addin / macro / rule to highlight email addresses outside company in To: f

Rules: If using Exchange server, create an after sending rule and enter @ as the word in the email address. Action is defer by xx minutes. Mail to internal users is sent, outside addresses are held for review. I have the Outbox folder on my favorites list and its bolded until the message is sent. (Internal mail bolds it for a couple of seconds)

Custom view: Use conditional formatting and put @ in the Sent to field on the first page of the Conditional formatting dialog. This is only useful if you hold all mail, either for xx minutes using a rule or don't use send immediately.

In both cases, it works because Exchange addresses don't contain an @ sign. If not using Exchange, then you'd need to add an exception to the Rule for your domain name.
Is there an add-in or a way to highlight email addresses in the To: or cc: field that are going to an address outside my organization automatically to avoid accidentally typing/autocompleting an unintentional address?

Hi, yes I created just such an add-in. Try it out and see if it fit your needs.

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