Programmatically encrypt email (2010)

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Dr. Demento

OS Version(s)
  1. Windows
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
From what I've seen, past versions of Outlook did not have the capability of programatically signing/encrypting email; is this still the case for Outlook 2010 (32- or 64-bit)??

If that's still the case, would it be possible to use the code found here or here and turn it on/off programatically?? If so, I'm hoping that would have the same outcome as my original intent. Or, did I misunderstand the purpose of this code?

Thanks so much.
Alternatively, would the code found here allow me turn on/off encryption for specified emails?
You'll need to use a macro that uses PR_SECURITY_FLAGS - either the itemsend macro that signs it as its sent or the msdn macro - you can trigger it from another macro or by clicking a button on the ribbon.
Alternatively, would the code found here allow me turn on/off encryption for specified emails?
FWIW, either this macro (which is the 'msdn one') or this itemsend macro can handle enabling it only for specific messages - the msdn macro can be assigned a button or called by another macro or you can use an if statement in the item send, such as:
if left(lcase(item.subject), 6) = "secure" then
' encrypt
end if
The MSDN macro is throwing error 438 (I think I read something about ActiveInspector not working in Office 2010??).

Alternatively, using the ItemSend macro is throwing error 424 - Object required

Everything goes off without a hitch until "SignAndEncrypt (objMail)" Can you assist? What am I doing wrong?

I'm using Office 2010; this code is reading values in a spreadsheet and calling Outlook. I have the Outlook 14.0 Object Library reference checked.

Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application  ' Early binding ||
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailIte

For Each rngEntry In rngSPPM
    If IsFile(rngEntry.Offset(5, 0).Value & rngEntry.Offset(4, 0).Value) = True Then
      Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)  ' Early binding
  '    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)  ' Late binding
      With objMail
        .DeferredDeliveryTime = SendAt  '
        .BodyFormat = olFormatPlain  '
        .To = rngEntry.Value
        .CC = carbon1.Value
        .Subject = rngEntry.Offset(1, 0).Value
        .Body = rngEntry.Offset(2, 0).Value & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Signature
        .Attachments.Add rngEntry.Offset(5, 0).Value & _
                         rngEntry.Offset(4, 0).Value
        .Display ' .Send or .Save  ' ~~ Other Outlook actions for emails
      End With
      If mod_Exists.ExactWordInString(objMail.Subject, "Reconciliation") = True Then SignAndEncrypt (objMail)
      On Error Resume Next
    End If
  Next rngEntry

Thanks so much for your help!!
Sorry it took so long to get to this, everytime I'd think "i need to put this in my VM and check it', I'd get side tracked. :(

Does it stop on any line? Comment out error checking lines if necessary.

> Dim objMail As Outlook.MailIte
you're missing the M in item.

No worries - I'm just grateful for the help. The missing M is a copy/paste error; it's there in 'real-life' ;-)

I've altered the code a bit; I call it using

If mod_Exists.ExactWordInString(objMail.Subject, "Reconciliation") = True _
  Then Call Sign_Encrypt(objMail)
Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

and get the error (#287) when defining oProp (=0)

Private Sub Sign_Encrypt(ByVal item As Object, Optional Cancel As Boolean)
' ~~ How to sign or encrypt a message programmatically from OOM

  Dim ulFlags As Object
  Dim oProp As Long

  oProp = CLng(item.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_SECURITY_FLAGS))  '<~~~ Error 287 - application or object defined error
  ulFlags = 0
  ulFlags = ulFlags Or &H1 ' Add the encrypted flag
  ulFlags = ulFlags Or &H2 ' Add the signed flag
  item.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty PR_SECURITY_FLAGS, ulFlags

  Set item = Nothing

End Sub

BTW, the call statement and Sign_Encrypt are in the same module in Excel (Excel/Outlook 2010).
Just curious if anyone had any insights as to my issues (see avatar) or my Outlook problem ;-)
No worries; just curious if anyone else could offer some insights. You can't solve ALL the world's Outlook problems; gotta leave some for other folks! :D
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