Outlook - Macro to block senders domain - Macro Fix

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Conan the Barbarian

New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Hi Mum

I've had problems with spam filters in Outlook for years.

Paid solutions just don't work predictably.

I found this post on a journey to try and fix it: Macro to block senders domain.

I wrote my own fix, and am sharing it here. It will even block entire domains with the click of a button, assuming that it's not in an excluded list.

Now, just add a button on the Home Ribbon and click it when you have proper spam selected - the sender of which you never want to see again - in the junk email folder. You want to wire up the sub named AddtoBlockedSendersandDeleteBlockedJunkEmail()

It will then:
1. add the domain of the email address to the blockedsenders list, unless the domain is in the excluded list - and in that case it will add the email address instead to a custom spam list file; and then
2. parse the blockedsenders lists (builtin and custom list) and delete everything in your Junk folder from all those in either list.

For me, it is so beautiful, it is almost romantic. I'm looking forward to not having to mess around with deficient plugins that move spam from other email accounts into a single folder and having to delete things which I should not even be seeing anymore.

Not thoroughly tested.



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