Trigger macro to run after a new mail is received in Outlook?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account

Win 7, Outlook 2013 I use macro that does an action on some of the files that arrive to my inbox in Outlook. However,
I have to click/run button to run this macro. Is there a way that this macro runs automatically whenever an email arrives to my inbox? Please help.

I have tried Outlook rule to run the script but not successful.

I tried this, but this works only when once I run the macro

Private Sub Application_NewMail()
   Call GetAttachments_From_Inbox (My Macro) 
End Sub

Confused what should i do.

Please help needed.
Are you also using the handler?

Public WithEvents myOlApp As Outlook.Application

Sub Initialize_handler()
Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application

End Sub

Private Sub myOlApp_NewMail()
Call GetAttachments_From_Inbox (My Macro)

End Sub
Are you also using the handler?

I tried that too but still it does not trigger the script to download the attachments. The script which i am using to download the attachments and then move to Personal Mail folder is stated below. The outlook is configured only for single email. Any help in this regards will be highly appreciated.

Sub GetAttachments_From_Inbox()   
   On Error GoTo GetAttachments_err
   Dim appOl As New Outlook.Application
   Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
   Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
   Dim myDestFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
   Dim Item As Object
    'Dim Item As Outlook.Items
   Dim Atmt As Outlook.Attachment
   Dim FileName As String
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim iLoop As Integer
   Dim sender As String
   Dim bankName As String
   Dim ext As String
   Dim Items As Outlook.Items
   Dim oc As Object
   Dim moveEmail As Boolean
   Set ns = appOl.GetNamespace("MAPI")
   Set Inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
   Set Item = Inbox.Items
   Set myDestFolder = Inbox.Folders("Personal Mail")
    'Set oc = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
   i = 0
   iLoop = 0
    ' Check Inbox for messages and exit if none found
   If Inbox.Items.Count = 0 Then 
'       ' MsgBox "There are no messages in the Inbox.", vbInformation, _
       "Nothing Found"
       Exit Sub
   End If
    ' Check each message for attachments
    'MsgBox " Size of inbox " + Inbox.Items.Count + " "
   For iLoop = 1 To Inbox.Items.Count
        'MsgBox "Loop -> " + iLoop
       For Each Item In Inbox.Items
           moveEmail = False
            ' Save any attachments found
           For Each Atmt In Item.Attachments
                If UCase(Atmt.FileName) Like "Export*" Or _
               UCase(Atmt.FileName) Like "Report*" Or _
               UCase(Atmt.FileName) Like "Update" Or _
               UCase(Atmt.FileName) Like "Sales*" Or _
        FileName = "D:\Attachments\" & Atmt.FileName
                   Atmt.SaveAsFile FileName
                   moveEmail = True
                    'Exit For
                    'Item.Move myDestFolder
                   i = i + 1
                    'Set Item = Item.FindNext
               End If
           Next Atmt
           If moveEmail Then
                ' now move email to personal folder
               Item.Move myDestFolder
           End If
       Next Item
       iLoop = iLoop + 1
    ' Show summary message
   If i > 0 Then
       'MsgBox "I found " & i & " attached files." _
       & vbCrLf & "I have saved them into the D:\Attachments folder." _
       & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Have a nice day.", vbInformation, "Finished!"
      ' MsgBox "I didn't find any attached files in your mail.", vbInformation, "Finished!"
   End If
    ' Clear memory 
   Set Atmt = Nothing
   Set Item = Nothing
   Set ns = Nothing
   Set appOl = Nothing
   Exit Sub
    ' Handle errors 
   'MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
   & vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
   & vbCrLf & "Macro Name: GetAttachments" _
   & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
   & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
   , vbCritical, "Error!"
   Resume GetAttachments_exit 
End Sub
There are 3 ways to do 'something' - using a Run a Script macro, using an ItemAdd macro, or using NewMail. NewMail can handle heavier volume, run a script is for lighter loads. Because it's an imap account, NewMail should be the easiest to work with.

The macro at could probably be used with your get attachments macro (instead of print attachments).

Are you using the new IMAP configuration where you use an ost and its set as default or the old configuration where a pst is default?

Outlook 2013 downloads complete items automatically, doesn't it?
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