How to copy an appointment from a public calendar to personal cale

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I have little experience with VBA. I have a script that i got from here

which allows me press a button that once pressed it would add the user that

pressed it to the list of required attendees to the existing event.

However i want it to also add the event that was pressed to send the

appointment to the personal calendar.

Bellow is the script that i am using. What and where should i add the

function that i need?

Thank you for you time.

Sub AddRecip()

Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Dim colRecips As Outlook.Recipients

Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient

Set oAppt = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

Set colRecips = oAppt.Recipients

Set oRecip = colRecips.Add(Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser)

oRecip.Type = olTo



Set oRecip = Nothing

Set colRecips = Nothing

Set oAppt = Nothing

End Sub
Before you release the item just use its Copy() method to copy it wherever

you want.

"Tiger" <Tiger> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I have little experience with VBA. I have a script that i got from here
> which allows me press a button that once pressed it would add the user
> that
> pressed it to the list of required attendees to the existing event.

> However i want it to also add the event that was pressed to send the
> appointment to the personal calendar.

> Bellow is the script that i am using. What and where should i add the
> function that i need?

> Thank you for you time.

> Sub AddRecip()
> Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
> Dim colRecips As Outlook.Recipients
> Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient

> Set oAppt = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
> Set colRecips = oAppt.Recipients
> Set oRecip =
> colRecips.Add(Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser)
> oRecip.Type = olTo

> oAppt.Save
> oAppt.Send

> Set oRecip = Nothing
> Set colRecips = Nothing
> Set oAppt = Nothing
> End Sub

Re: How to copy an appointment from a public calendar to personal

Ken, Thanks for the help. Though i do have limited knowledge. I have done

this but it will not work can you show me and rectify my problem? I want it

to be copied in the standard personal calendar.


Sub AddRecip()

Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Dim colRecips As Outlook.Recipients

Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient

Set oAppt = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

Set colRecips = oAppt.Recipients

Set oRecip = colRecips.Add(Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser)

oRecip.Type = olTo


oAppt.Copy ("Calendar")


Set oRecip = Nothing

Set colRecips = Nothing

Set oAppt = Nothing

End Sub

> Before you release the item just use its Copy() method to copy it wherever
> you want.

> >


> "Tiger" <Tiger> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> > I have little experience with VBA. I have a script that i got from here
> > which allows me press a button that once pressed it would add the user
> > that
> > pressed it to the list of required attendees to the existing event.
> > However i want it to also add the event that was pressed to send the
> > appointment to the personal calendar.
> > Bellow is the script that i am using. What and where should i add the
> > function that i need?
> > Thank you for you time.
> > Sub AddRecip()
> > Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
> > Dim colRecips As Outlook.Recipients
> > Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient
> > Set oAppt = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
> > Set colRecips = oAppt.Recipients
> > Set oRecip =
> > colRecips.Add(Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser)
> > oRecip.Type = olTo
> > oAppt.Save
> > oAppt.Send
> > Set oRecip = Nothing
> > Set colRecips = Nothing
> > Set oAppt = Nothing
> > End Sub
> >

Re: How to copy an appointment from a public calendar to personal

If you look at the Object Browser for AppointmentItem.Copy() you will see

that it returns an object (a function) and that it accepts no arguments.

Take the return value as another AppointmentItem and then call Move() on

that item using the calendar MAPIFolder object as the argument.

Dim oNewAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Dim oMoved As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim oFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Set oNS = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI")

Set oFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)

' other code

Set oNewAppt = oAppt.Copy()


Set oMoved = oNewAppt.Move(oFolder)

"Tiger" <Tiger> wrote in message
> Ken, Thanks for the help. Though i do have limited knowledge. I have done
> this but it will not work can you show me and rectify my problem? I want
> it
> to be copied in the standard personal calendar.

> Thanks,

> Sub AddRecip()
> Dim oAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
> Dim colRecips As Outlook.Recipients
> Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient

> Set oAppt = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
> Set colRecips = oAppt.Recipients
> Set oRecip =
> colRecips.Add(Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser)
> oRecip.Type = olTo

> oAppt.Save
> oAppt.Copy ("Calendar")
> oAppt.Send

> Set oRecip = Nothing
> Set colRecips = Nothing
> Set oAppt = Nothing
> End Sub
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