I want to forward subject only to another e-mail

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Biglen, Jr[dot]
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Michael Biglen, Jr[dot]

Mycell phone company let anyone e-mail me by sending an e-mail to:


Since the e-mail can only be about 136charaters for each text, I don't want to get 100 texts that is the same e-mail.

So I would like for only the subject to be done this way. My hosting service GoDaddy only forwards the entire message as well.

Now that I think about it, I could forward the e-mail as a file then open it with pocket outlook.

If anyone has any idea please let me know.

Are you forwarding it from outlook? there are utilities you can use to

limit SMS to one page or use VBA.

See if anything here meets your needs:

http://www.slipstick.com/addins/pager.asp or see outlookcode.com for VBA


"Michael Biglen"; "Jr[dot]" <cgimana[at]cgimana[dot]com> wrote in message

> Mycell phone company let anyone e-mail me by sending an e-mail to:
> (cellnumber)@t-mobile.net

> Since the e-mail can only be about 136charaters for each text, I don't
> want to get 100 texts that is the same e-mail.
> So I would like for only the subject to be done this way. My hosting
> service GoDaddy only forwards the entire message as well.
> Now that I think about it, I could forward the e-mail as a file then open
> it with pocket outlook.

> If anyone has any idea please let me know.
> > CGIMana.
Mobile alerts for new messages :)

To make changes to your Windows Live Mobile account, go to Windows Live Mobile.

What types of Windows Live Hotmail messages do you want to receive mobile alerts for?

None. Never send me mobile alerts

All new messages (except deleted and junk e-mail messages)

New messages from my contacts

Messages I specify using mobile alert filters


Are you forwarding it from outlook? there are utilities you can use to

limit SMS to one page or use VBA.

See if anything here meets your needs:

http://www.slipstick.com/addins/pager.asp or see outlookcode.com for VBA



"Michael Biglen"; "Jr[dot]" <cgimana[at]cgimana[dot]com> wrote in message


> Mycell phone company let anyone e-mail me by sending an e-mail to:

> (cellnumber)@t-mobile.net


> Since the e-mail can only be about 136charaters for each text, I don't

> want to get 100 texts that is the same e-mail.

> So I would like for only the subject to be done this way. My hosting

> service GoDaddy only forwards the entire message as well.

> Now that I think about it, I could forward the e-mail as a file then open

> it with pocket outlook.


> If anyone has any idea please let me know.

> --

> CGIMana.
I needed a solution for this as well to convert stock market alert emails to SMS so they could be read on my cell phone. I found a solution that is independent of Outlook, but solves this problem. I found that Twitter has an application called Twittermail which allows the user to send an email to a Twittermail account that they have previously created. The Twittermail account can be set up to generate a tweet from the email consisting of only the subject line or the subject line plus part of the message body (up to the size limit for SMS). So, you can set up a twittermail account to receive your email alerts from a certain sender, and then set up your phone to receive tweets from the twittermail account. I used two separate twitter accounts to do this (one for twittermail, one for the cellphone), but perhaps a more savvy twitterer could do it with one. I realize this is not the most elegant solution, but it is free and solves the problem without needing to write any scripts.
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