Going Forward: Using Outlook 2016 for RSS Feeds

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
I'm looking for some direction going forward about how to use OL2016 with RSS feeds. I'm specifically interested in learning how to set things up so that I don't lose (or can backup) the "emails" that are delivered via RSS if a clean OS install is required. I suspect user error (not understanding how OL handles RSS) is at the root of my problem, and I want to make sure I don't make the same mistake(s) going forward.

My situation is that I've been using OL for RSS feeds for years. For each feed, I had OL set to automatically download all enclosures and to also download the full article as an .html attachment. Most things were deleted after reading, but over the years, there were some for each feed that I kept.

Recently, I upgraded from 64-bit Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 (nothing like waiting until almost the last minute), and the upgrade was problematic, so I decided to do a clean install. Before doing so, I backed up everything (disk image before the initial upgrade and also before the clean install as well as file & folder backups of Everything OL I could find), and I did a lot of reading trying to make sure I did everything necessary so that I'd have OL up & running ASAP.

After the W10 clean install and reinstallation of OL 2016, the only thing I lost were all the RSS "emails" I'd kept over the years :-(

I'm not sure what happened because while I thought I had Everything OL backed up, I apparently neglected to fully understand how OL handles RSS feeds, and I also failed to take screenshots of the RSS tab in Account Settings so I could figure out in retrospect what went wrong. I suspect the problem may be that OL had stored the RSS feeds in my EAS *.ost file rather than one of my *.pst files because once I had OL 2016 reinstalled and running, the individual folders for each RSS feed were nowhere to be found. Also, when I imported the *.opml file, OL automatically put all the RSS feeds into my EAS account without asking where I wanted it.

Am I correct in assuming that if the above paragraph is correct that there's no way (short of restoring the disk image I made before the OS upgrade) to recover those RSS "emails" I'd saved?

And, going forward, how do I make sure this doesn't happen again? Perhaps importing the OPML file isn't the way to go since it apparently by default imports the RSS feeds into the EAS account, which is my default data file so I can sync my calendar and contacts (my default email account is IMAP)? If I manually add each feed and tell Outlook to use one of my PST files as the "Delivery Location," will that work so that I don't lose saved RSS "emails" going forward?

Many thanks in advance for any direction! I'm trying not to cry over spilled milk (the loss of the RSS articles I'd saved over the years), but I'm highly annoyed with myself that I dropped the ball in my prep work. And I certainly don't want to go through this again in the future.
I suspect the problem may be that OL had stored the RSS feeds in my EAS *.ost file rather than one of my *.pst files because once I had OL 2016 reinstalled and running, the individual folders for each RSS feed were nowhere to be found. Also, when I imported the *.opml file, OL automatically put all the RSS feeds into my EAS account without asking where I wanted it.
They were either in the ost file or in a separate pst file. If you created the profile in an older version of outlook and it was an IMAP account (not EAS, which is Active Sync account for Outlook.com), they should be in the default pst file with calendar & contacts.

If they were in either imap or eas data file, type may have synced up to the server.

If I manually add each feed and tell Outlook to use one of my PST files as the "Delivery Location," will that work so that I don't lose saved RSS "emails" going forward?
Yes, this will work (and is what I would do if i wanted to save them).

The other option would be to move the items you wanted to save to folder in a pst - you could try moving them to a mail folder in an imap account but I'm not sure if they'd sync up.
Many thanks! I've now manually added the individual RSS feeds to one of my PST files and confirmed that delivery is to one of the PST files, so I hope I'm good going forward.

I just cannot remember how I had the RSS feeds set up before -- I've been using OL for over a decade and can't remember which version did what. I think when I originally started using OL for RSS feeds (probably around 2008), they were in a special RSS folder in my IMAP OST that didn't sync. Then, at some point, I remember them showing something like "this computer only," and I once I understood (or thought I understood) what that meant, I thought I'd moved them to a PST file. Clearly, I didn't or didn't do it correctly because the one thing I'm sure of is that the RSS folders aren't in any of my PST files that I brought forward. Maybe what I originally did when the "this computer only" showed up was move the folders but didn't change the data file, if that's possible, so that everything still lived in the OST even though it displayed elsewhere? I haven't a clue. I seem to recall doing "something" with my RSS feeds when I first set up EAS to sync my calendar & contacts back in 2014, but I can't remember what I did. Whatever I did -- or thought I did -- didn't work to sync or to preserve those saved RSS "emails."

I think all I can do at this point is learn so I don't make the mistake again, which you've helped me with. Thanks!
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