Outlook script to forward emails based on senders' address

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server

I desperately need help for this. My office inbox receives 100-200 emails daily which we have to disseminate to different groups of people in the firm. I was hoping to semi-automate this process by forwarding each incoming email based on the senders' address to the corresponding group of recipients. For example, if the senders' address contains "@oaktree.com", then this email should be forwarded to a group of people handling the Oaktree account.

Typically, if we only had a few accounts, I can upload each account one by one. However, we have 1000+ accounts to be forwarded and I cannot possibly upload them account by account. Each senders' address is also accompanied by a group of recipients and these are all recorded in an excel sheet.

Is there anyway for the script to search the senders' address in the incoming email, and then forward it to the relevant account handlers stated in the excel sheet?

Thanks so much so much in advance.

Best regards,
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