Windows 7 & BCM

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After upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 my Business Contacts Manager wont


Messages read:

BCM for Outlook could not connect to the shared DB. Do you want to wrk off

line (Y N)


Cannot expand folder. The set of folders cannot be opened. Store not


It's working for me now! Here is the order I had to do things in--and I tried

many. Keep in mind I am only a single-user of Office Pro 2007--I'm NOT

dealing with remote connections:

1. Install BCM for Outlook 2007 (choose Run Program when you get that

compatibility dialog), but do NOT run Outlook yet. (I had to uninstall and

reinstall because I ran Outlook before #2 below.)

2. Run Windows update and install the latest service packs for SQL Server

2005 and BCM.

3. Start Outlook and run through the initial BCM dialogs.

4. Run SQL Server Surface Area Configuration, and add yourself as an

Administrator for MSSMLBIZ. Exit this utility.

After completing these steps, I was able to restore my backed up BCM

database under a clean Win7 installation. Hope this helps!
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