date/time field, current year

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I have a user-defined date/time field on a form that has the initial value

set to Date(). I want the user to be able to edit the date as needed, but

quite often it will be the current date. In other office programs, you can

enter a date such as 4/29 and it will autofill with 4/29/09 adding the

current year. In my case it comes out 4/29/10. Is this normal behavior and

is there a way around it? I'm fairly new to Outlook forms.


I just noticed that only happens if the date is earlier than April 1st...

"Mary" wrote:

> I have a user-defined date/time field on a form that has the initial value
> set to Date(). I want the user to be able to edit the date as needed, but
> quite often it will be the current date. In other office programs, you can
> enter a date such as 4/29 and it will autofill with 4/29/09 adding the
> current year. In my case it comes out 4/29/10. Is this normal behavior and
> is there a way around it? I'm fairly new to Outlook forms.

> Thanks,
> Mary
Yes, that's normal behavior -- if the year is not specified, Outlook adds

the most likely year. I'm not sure what kind of workaround you're looking

for, unless you can read the user's mind about what date they're likely to

really want.

Sue Mosher

"Mary" <Mary> wrote in message
> I just noticed that only happens if the date is earlier than April 1st...

> "Mary" wrote:
> > I have a user-defined date/time field on a form that has the initial
> > value
> > set to Date(). I want the user to be able to edit the date as needed,
> > but
> > quite often it will be the current date. In other office programs, you
> > can
> > enter a date such as 4/29 and it will autofill with 4/29/09 adding the
> > current year. In my case it comes out 4/29/10. Is this normal behavior
> > and
> > is there a way around it? I'm fairly new to Outlook forms.

>> Thanks,
> > Mary
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