I am trying to build an Outlook Macro for use when composing an email message to reformat several specific words at once in the email body so they are in their correct branding colours depending on what word they are.
The code needs to find a word that starts with the string "xp" and then reformats the entire word to bold and then changes the colour of the xp to the correct brand's colour depending on what the word is.
e..g. any word with "xpstorm" or "xprafts" needs to be bolded and the xp colour changed to the corresponding brand's colour (xpstorm, xprafts)
I have this scenario working in Word 2013, and I have an example code set below that I have tried to modify to replicate this functionality in an Outlook email by referencing Microsoft Word 15.0 Object Library in the Visual Basic References Tool.
Any assistance someone can provide would be greatly appreciated. It's really gone above my head.
The code needs to find a word that starts with the string "xp" and then reformats the entire word to bold and then changes the colour of the xp to the correct brand's colour depending on what the word is.
e..g. any word with "xpstorm" or "xprafts" needs to be bolded and the xp colour changed to the corresponding brand's colour (xpstorm, xprafts)
I have this scenario working in Word 2013, and I have an example code set below that I have tried to modify to replicate this functionality in an Outlook email by referencing Microsoft Word 15.0 Object Library in the Visual Basic References Tool.
Any assistance someone can provide would be greatly appreciated. It's really gone above my head.
Sub XPBranding()
Dim insp As Outlook.Inspector
Dim myObject As Object
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim myDoc As Word.Document
Dim mySelection As Word.Selection
Dim strItem As String
Dim strGreeting As String
'XPBranding section
Dim StrTxt As String, Rng As Range
Dim tempFont As String
Dim tempColour As String
Dim tempBold As String
Dim StrTxt2 As String, Rng2 As Range
StrTxt = "xp"
'XPBranding finish
Set insp = Application.ActiveInspector
Set myObject = insp.CurrentItem
'The active inspector is displaying a mail item.
If myObject.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" And _
insp.IsWordMail = True Then
Set msg = insp.CurrentItem
'Grab the body of the message using a Word Document object.
Set myDoc = insp.WordEditor
Set mySelection = myDoc.Application.Selection
Set hed = msg.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set appWord = hed.Application
Set appRng = appWord.Selection
With mySelection.Range
With mySelection.Find
.Text = "<" & StrTxt & "*>"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchWildcards = True
.MatchCase = False
End With
Do While .Find.Found
If .Font.Name <> "Arial" Then
tempFont = .Duplicate.Font.Name
tempColour = .Duplicate.Font.Color
tempBold = .Duplicate.Font.Bold
With .Duplicate
.Font.Size = .Font.Size + 2
.Font.Name = "Zrnic"
.Font.Bold = True
If .Text <> "" Then
Select Case Split(.Text, StrTxt)(1)
Case "swmm"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 122, 135)
Case "swmmj"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 122, 135)
Case "swmmk"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 122, 135)
Case "swmmc"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 122, 135)
Case "storm"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(92, 127, 146)
Case "2D"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(198, 96, 5)
Case "2d"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(198, 96, 5)
Case "rafts"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(102, 73, 117)
Case "wspg"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(74, 170, 66)
Case "culvert"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(0, 70, 173)
Case "site3D"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(224, 170, 15)
Case "paragon"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(71, 215, 172)
Case "ertcare"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(79, 109, 94)
Case "viewer"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(110, 178, 189)
Case "drainage"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(35, 79, 51)
Case "ratHGL"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(160, 0, 84)
Case "rathgl"
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = RGB(160, 0, 84)
Case "dx"
.Font.Name = tempFont
.Font.Bold = tempBold
.Font.Size = .Font.Size - 2
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = tempColour
Case "x"
.Font.Name = tempFont
.Font.Bold = tempBold
.Font.Size = .Font.Size - 2
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = tempColour
Case "s"
.Font.Name = tempFont
.Font.Bold = tempBold
.Font.Size = .Font.Size - 2
.End = .Start + Len(StrTxt)
.Font.Color = tempColour
End Select
End If
End With
End If
End With
End If
End Sub