Macro to automatic reply using orignal mail

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2010

I've searched and read some macro related with my request, but none of works.

My KPI is response NEW Request mail within 15 minutes but sometime i missed it :(

Please help me to provide how to / macro to create automatic reply in original mail with specific subject "REQ2015" and it will reply "Acknowledge, we will process".
so any email comes with subject "P2-REQ201512001 Delete ........ " and it will reply automatically using original mail (like we replied manually) and body message Acknowledge, we will process

Thanks in Advance
that could look like this one
public sub AutoReply(Mail as mailitem)
  dim Reply as mailitem
  set reply=mail.reply
  reply.body="your message" & vbcrlf & reply.body
end sub
Create a rule that searches for the subject and executes this script if the condition is met.
that could look like this one
public sub AutoReply(Mail as mailitem)
  dim Reply as mailitem
  set reply=mail.reply
  reply.body="your message" & vbcrlf & reply.body
end sub
Create a rule that searches for the subject and executes this script if the condition is met.

Hi Michael,

Thanks but could you please provide me more details how to .... i tried to put on module but it didnt work :)
Hi Michael,
I had tried but not work.

i create rules with
- Apply this rule after the message arrives
- with REQ20151200 in the subject
- move it to the REQUEST folder

how the scripts run... btw i put the script on module.

please advise
See the entire list of actions a rule can execute. You must select "run a script" and choose the given macro.

In the VBA editor select the first line of code of the macro, and press f9, which sets a breakpoint at that line. Then test the rule. If it find's the message you want it should call the macro. If it does so, the code execution will stop at the breakpoint. If it doesn't stop there, you know the rule isn't working.
Hi Michael,

sorry, but how to "run a script", i have tested, the email has moved to specific folder and when i see the point in vba editor, it didn't move at all.
This shows the basics of using a run a script rule:

Create the rule with conditions but no actions, except the run a script action and choose the script. If you want the messages moved, you need to do it in the script.

create rules with
- Apply this rule after the message arrives
- with REQ2015 in the subject
- run autoreply script

this will reply and then move the message to the REQUEST folder, which is a subfolder of the Inbox.

public sub AutoReply(Mail as mailitem)
  dim Reply as mailitem
  set reply=mail.reply
  reply.body="Acknowledge, we will process" & vbcrlf & reply.body

mail.move  Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("REQUEST")

end sub
Hi Diane,

Thanks its work perfect :)

but, can the auto reply only on first mail arrives, if they response it again, then the script will be stopped. sample
A = Customer
B = Me

A : send email
B: auto reply using script above
A: request some updates/query
B: i will response manually (as of now, the script will run again, but could you make it stop)

Thanks in advance
You can either add an exception to the rule
- Apply this rule after the message arrives
- with REQ2015 in the subject
- run autoreply script
- Except if RE: in subject

or add an if to the script -

public sub AutoReply(Mail as mailitem)
if left(lcase(mail.subject), 4) <> "re: " then  
  dim Reply as mailitem
  set reply=mail.reply
  reply.body="Acknowledge, we will process" & vbcrlf & reply.body
end if  ' this assumes you want the message moved even if a reply
mail.move  Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("REQUEST")
end sub

if you don't want to move the reply, end if goes after the move line.
thanks a lot Diane, work perfect now :)
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