Editing an email with notes and saving it for record using Macro

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Is there a was to Edit an Email with notes and saving it.

The action would be similar to opening an email, and under Actions, choosing EDIT,

Enter " Action completed by " the editor of the email, on mm/dd/yyyy at hh/mm.

Any help would be greatly appriciated.
This writes something at the beginning of the email:
dim Mail as outlook.mailitem
set mail=application.activeexplorer.selection(1)
mail.body="your note" & vbcrlf & mail.body
This writes something at the beginning of the email:
dim Mail as outlook.mailitem
set mail=application.activeexplorer.selection(1)
mail.body="your note" & vbcrlf & mail.body

Thanks....Almost there, I also need to capture the userid oremail of the person eding the email.

so if i am editing the email out of my account, my name will be there and so forth.
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