Editing tasks: highlight & copy/cut NOT working in Calendar entries

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account

Surprised to find that a problem that developed recently in my old Outlook 2007 is a problem in the new Outlook 2013, on a new computer. Inside a calendar appointment entry, if I paste text in the body of the entry, I cannot highlight in order to copy/cut text. For example, I just booked a flight and copied the flight details off of the website and pasted these into the body of a new appointment in calendar. In the past (before the problem started in Outlook 2007) I could then highlight part of the text and copy this into the subject and location fields of the appointment. This feature vanished a few months ago in Outlook 2007 and was one of the reasons for upgrading to Outlook 2013. Now I find that basic editing tasks (highlighting, copy/cut) are not possible in the body of an appointment in Outlook 2013.

Is this the new normal for appointments? Or a glitch? If the later, how do I correct the problem?

Yes. iCloud ... Is switching to SkyDrive a solution. Would this be very complicated -- can SkyDrive sync calendars & contacts on iPhone & iPad?
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