Shared Calendar For Scheduled Tasks

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Fozzie Bear

Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account (as MS Exchange)
Hi I am looking for some suggestions for getting automated reminders for tasks. To give a little background, we are a charity and run a Community Hall in the UK. There are lots of things related to the hall that need reminders to prompt actions e.g. Fire Extinguisher Testing, Renewing Buildings Insurance, Pay our Entertainment and Music Licences etc. As a charity we have signed up to Microsoft Non-Profit Office 365 and have several email account mailboxes with associated calendars, OneDrive storage etc. I would like to use Sharepoint but we are not there yet.

Is it possible to use one of the calendars to send out reminders to all of the committee. Most activities are annual events like the Fire Alarm inspection and Extinguisher Inspection but some are every five years such as building electrical installation test. Is it possible to set this up or is there an easier way to achieve this with another Office 365 module or add-on rather than entering all the dates in a calendar? Any suggestions greatly appreciated
You'll need to add the events to the calendar manually - and can add an email reminder (in Outlook on the web) - but it would only go to the shared mailbox address. If the mail to that mailbox is forwarded to a DL - then everone on the DL should get the email reminder.

Flow could also be used to forward the reminders.

As always Diane thank you for your useful reply.

When you say the email will only go to the shared email address do you mean the email account whose associated calendar I use to enter the events e.g. Similarly is a shared DL a distribution list?

I can't see how to create a distribution list on OWA for so have created a contact list and tried to add it to the email forwarding in Settings>Rules but it will only accept a single email address not the contact list that I set up which is not listed? Can it be done this way or do I have to log into the admin centre and create the DL and forwarding rules there?
I don't know anything about Flow but will do some web searches.
Many thanks
Consider utilizing Flow in Office 365 to automate reminders. You can link it to your calendars and set up recurring alerts for tasks. Music-wise, this approach can be your harmonious solution.
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