Upgrading from: MS Office Professional Plus 2010 to: MS Office Professional Plus 2021

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Currently I'm using Windows 10 + MS Office Professional Plus 2010
And I wish to upgrade to: MS Office Professional Plus 2021

In Outlook I'm concerned that I may loose my current saved emails, and/or Address Book, or my email accounts/contacts
I currently have email accounts for POP/SMTP & Microsoft Exchange. (eg: .pst & .ost files)

So after the install:
I want to have everything that I currently have in MS Office Professional Plus 2010
exactly the same in MS Office Professional Plus 2021.
Without having to recreate anything! So...

Q1: Can I leave 'Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010' installed, untill after I've installed and tried 'Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2021'
or do I have to delete 2010 first?
Q2: Do I need to make any backups of anything before I delete 2010, or install MS Office Professional Plus 2021 ?
Q3: And after the install do I need to import my previous data, or will this be done automatically?

Many thanks.

BTW: All of may emails are sent & received by Outlook on my PC, and saved on my PC.
And I'm not sure if I have posted this in the correct forum?
Q1: Can I leave 'Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010' installed, untill after I've installed and tried 'Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2021'
or do I have to delete 2010 first?
Q2: Do I need to make any backups of anything before I delete 2010, or install MS Office Professional Plus 2021 ?
Q3: And after the install do I need to import my previous data, or will this be done automatically?

1. Yes. Because 2010 is an msi install, you can have it and the click to run version installed.
2. if you use a pst, I would back it up, just as insurance. Same with custom templates - but you should not need them.
3. No, outlook should pick up the profile and convert it.
You might want to take a look here. I've just done this twice (again recently). These directions are based on previous migrations over the years. Maybe because I use iCloud for Windows, but I like to un-install it all first (in order) and then layer it all back on.

Actually, whether I use iCloud for Windows or not does not really change what I would backup and/or document before upgrading:
- Document Outlook Profile and each email account (servers, config settings, login credentials, etc.)
- Backup your main .PST file (and any archiving PST files you might have)
- Now would be a good time to delete anything in "Deleted Items" folder
- Now would be a good time to Compact your PST file.
- Junk-Mail Safe-Senders email addresses are exported to a file. Also trust email from my Contacts.
- Junk-Mail Blocked-Senders are exported to a file
- Rules - Exported to a file.
- Document Signatures

And even with uninstalling everything first, I've sometimes seen some of it magically reappear after installing the new version (must be stored in Registry or something). Still, I like in Outlook, so I like being all backup and ready when it doesn't.
You might want to take a look here. I've just done this twice (again recently). These directions are based on previous migrations over the years. Maybe because I use iCloud for Windows, but I like to un-install it all first (in order) and then layer it all back on.

- Now would be a good time to Compact your PST file. ...
1. Yes. Because 2010 is an msi install, you can have it and the click to run version installed.
2. if you use a pst, I would back it up, just as insurance. Same with custom templates - but you should not need them.
3. No, outlook should pick up the profile and convert it.

Diane & Vince Many thanks.
Currently my Outlook (via 2010) is 32 bit, but I was considering installing 2021 as 64bit.

So Vince: I'm not using the cloud, but you say that I must remove 2010 before installing 2021 as 64bit ?

So if I delete 2010:
Will all my data (Address Book, email Accounts, emails etc. All be retained, and re-appear in 2021?

My PST file is about 6.5GB, and my OST total about 75MB.
So would I need to compact these, if so, how do I do that ?

Many thanks.
So Vince: I'm not using the cloud, but you say that I must remove 2010 before installing 2021 as 64bit ?
If you are switching bitness, yes, it needs to be uninstalled.

Will all my data (Address Book, email Accounts, emails etc. All be retained, and re-appear in 2021?
Yes, the profile won't be removed and office 2021 will pick it up and copy it into the 2021 profile path in the registry.

My PST file is about 6.5GB, and my OST total about 75MB.
So would I need to compact these, if so, how do I do that ?
Right click on the data file name, choose Properties at the bottom of the dialog then Advanced and click Compact.

The ost does not need to be compacted.
If you are switching bitness, yes, it needs to be uninstalled.

Yes, the profile won't be removed and office 2021 will pick it up and copy it into the 2021 profile path in the registry.

Right click on the data file name, choose Properties at the bottom of the dialog then Advanced and click Compact.

The ost does not need to be compacted.
Thanks Diane...
I installed Office 2021, but after all my prep, I forgot to delete 2010 first!
So it's installed in 32bit.
So what can I do to make this 64 bit ?

Should I remove 2021, and then remove 2010, and then reinsatll 2021?
If so, am I likely to loose any of my data files etc.

BTW: To remove these, I assum I need to go to: Settings > Apps & Features

Many thanks.
1. So what can I do to make this 64 bit ?

2. Should I remove 2021, and then remove 2010, and then reinsatll 2021?
1. AFAIK, the only way is to completely (and properly) uninstall all existing versions of Microsoft Office, and purposely install the 64bit version.

2. If I understand what you have done, that sounds about right.

3. If so, am I likely to loose any of my data files etc.

3. Not if you backed it all up like I said (see above).

Since a Backup and a Move requires similar steps, looks like Diane answers it this way.

1. AFAIK, the only way is to completely (and properly) uninstall all existing versions of Microsoft Office, and purposely install the 64bit version.

2. If I understand what you have done, that sounds about right.

3. Not if you backed it all up like I said (see above).

Since a Backup and a Move requires similar steps, looks like Diane answers it this way.

Thanks Vince.
That url is relating to Outlook 365, but I undersatnd there may be similarities.

I've BU the PST & OST files which contain the emails.

My other main concern are my 20 email accounts, which I usually loose when moving to a new PC install or new Windows install when replacing a HDD.
Which Diane said is because they are in the registery, and shouldn't be copied.

But this shouldn't happen when you are upgrading on the same install because they should still be in the registery.
I was just worried that due to me installing 2021 and then removing it may creat problems resulting in the lose of the email accounts in the registery.
Thanks Vince.
That url is relating to Outlook 365, but I understand there may be similarities.

Right now, Microsoft Office-365 and Microsoft Office Pro 2021 are the same. The only difference is how you pay for the license (yearly or one-time ).
I was just worried that due to me installing 2021 and then removing it may creat problems resulting in the lose of the email accounts in the registery.
Unknown (I've never tried that particular scenario).
1. I've BU the PST & OST files which contain the emails.

2. My other main concern are my 20 email accounts,

1. Perfect. Good work.

2. In above post, I already detailed all the things I would document or export (just to be sure I don't lose anything). But as I have posted before ... most of it does usually "come back" on it's own. However, there are times when you will be glad you have a hard-copy ... like if something goes side-ways, or when setting up a fresh copy of Windows (like on a new computer).

Copy and paste this test below to a simple text file. After editing it, keep it in a safe place with your other important digital files.

Account #1

John Smith
Account Type: POP3
pop3: pop.gmail.com
smtp: smtp.gmail.com

login: john.smith@gmail.com
pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Normal password
- Or, the app-specific password you created on their systems

Outgoing server (SMTP) requires Authentication
- Use same settings as my Incoming mail server

Ports (POP3): 995
- This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)
Ports (SMTP): 587
- Use the following encrypted connection: STARTTLS

Delivery: (nothing selected)

Server Timeout: 1 minute
Leave on Server for 7 days

Account #2

Copy/Paste and change, etc.
Do for each account.

For all Accounts that are setup above:
- Remember Password
- Automatically test account
- More Settings / General / Mail Account: Should be the same as account's email address


App-Specific Passwords for Outlook:

Apple (iCloud): Enable 2-Step Verification. Create password in Apple Account.
Google (Gmail): After 2-Step Verification is now enabled, create this password in main Google Account/Security (not Gmail Settings)
POP accounts in Outlook need to use an app password.

Some do, and some don't. Yes, Gmail does now.
It's just an example template that happened to be pre-populated with gmail info.
You might want to take a look here. I've just done this twice (again recently). These directions are based on previous migrations over the years. Maybe because I use iCloud for Windows, but I like to un-install it all first (in order) and then layer it all back on.

Actually, whether I use iCloud for Windows or not does not really change what I would backup and/or document before upgrading:
- Document Outlook Profile and each email account (servers, config settings, login credentials, etc.)
- Backup your main .PST file (and any archiving PST files you might have)
- Now would be a good time to delete anything in "Deleted Items" folder
- Now would be a good time to Compact your PST file.
- Junk-Mail Safe-Senders email addresses are exported to a file. Also trust email from my Contacts.
- Junk-Mail Blocked-Senders are exported to a file
- Rules - Exported to a file.
- Document Signatures

And even with uninstalling everything first, I've sometimes seen some of it magically reappear after installing the new version (must be stored in Registry or something). Still, I like in Outlook, so I like being all backup and ready when it doesn't.

You can select one of the Office 365 products, which entitles you to regular upgrades to the most recent version of the software and allows you to download
Consider screenshoting (or otherwise documenting) you settings before you migrate. I have so many specific settings on Tasks that eveloved of years that it is a pain to recreate.
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