Roy Glixon
New Member
- Outlook version
- Outlook 2010 64 bit
- Email Account
- Exchange Server
I have 2 MS-Microsoft Accounts and one internal account, which stores my public folders(PF). Inside the PF, I have a MS-Outlook system which includes a sendmail feature. When sending mail, the 'from' address is defaulted to the wrong MS-Microsoft account. I would like to default to the other one. Help on this topic was focused on VBA and not VBScript. I have played with 'default' account (mail icon in windows) and with any AD deifnitions with my name. None seem to affect the 'from' address. I would like for this to work with other users, so a hard-coded solution in my code doesn't make send.
Roy Eliot Glixon
Ashton, Maryland
Roy Eliot Glixon
Ashton, Maryland