Selecting folder with msoFileDialogFolderPicker

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Email Account
This macro saves selected emails into a folder chosen by function "BrowseForFolder". It also adds the date as part of the filename. My issue is that the default start folder selected is always the same and I have to navigate to the folder each time.
I want to use "msoFileDialogFolderPicker" to select the folder because this is able to remember the last folder chosen and default to that path as the start when the macro is called again.

Option Explicit

Public Sub Save_Messages_Select_Ask2()

Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objItem As Object
Dim sPath As String
Dim dtDate As Date
Dim sName As String
Dim enviro As String

enviro = CStr(Environ("USERPROFILE"))
For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection

If objItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
Set oMail = objItem

sName = oMail.Subject

dtDate = oMail.ReceivedTime
sName = Format(dtDate, "yyyy mm dd", vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, _
vbUseSystem) & Format(dtDate, " hhnn", _
vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) & " - " & sName & ".msg"

sPath = BrowseForFolder(enviro & "\Documents\")
Debug.Print sPath & "\" & sName
oMail.SaveAs sPath & "\" & sName, olMSG

End If

End Sub

Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant

Dim ShellApp As Object
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)

On Error Resume Next
BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0

Set ShellApp = Nothing
Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
Case Is = ":"
If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Is = "\"
If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Else
GoTo Invalid
End Select

Exit Function

BrowseForFolder = False

End Function
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